Women health

 What causes a prolapsed uterus?

A uterine prolapse happens when the uterus falls into or toward the vagina. Cervix prolapse is a possibility in high-grade prolapses as well. These take place when the uterus can no longer be supported by the ligaments and muscles of the pelvic floor.

Sometimes the uterus might stick out of the vaginal opening. Other pelvic organs, including the bladder or rectum, may prolapse due to complications, which can also involve the ulceration of exposed tissue.

This article discusses uterine prolapse's phases, causes, and remedies.

Uterine prolapsed stages

Uterine prolapses are categorized by medical practitioners as incomplete or complete:

The uterus slightly displaces the vagina but does not protrude in an incomplete uterine prolapse. A full uterine prolapse, on the other hand, results in the entire uterus protruding through the vaginal opening. Introitus is another name for this introduction.

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The severity of the ailment is rated by doctors. The depth of the uterus' descent is used to determine this:


  • Grade 1: The uterus enters the upper vagina.
  • Grade 2: The uterus enters the introitus.
  • Grade 3: The cervix falls outside to the introitus.
  • Grade 4: Outside of the introitus, both the uterus and cervix descend.

Uterine prolapsed causes

There are various causes of weak pelvic floor muscles, including:

  • Pregnancy and delivery
  • Aging and going through the menopause
  • Obesity and being overweight
  • Hefty lifting
  • Persistent cough
  • Ongoing constipation
  • A background in pelvic surgery
  • Genetic components resulting in connective tissue weakness

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Uterine prolapsed symptoms

The severity of the prolapse affects the symptoms.

Common symptoms consist of:

  • Pelvic weight-bearing or pulling
  • Bleeding from the cervix or an increase in vaginal discharge
  • Problems during sexual contact
  • Urinary leaking
  • Inflamed bladders
  • Difficulties with bowel movements, including constipation
  • Lumbar pain
  • Uterine protrusion through the vagina
  • Feeling like you're sitting on a ball or that something is coming out of your vagina
  • Brittle vaginal tissue

In favorable situations, there may be no symptoms or the severity of the symptoms could vary throughout the day.

How to diagnose uterine prolapsed

A medical expert will inquire about your symptoms and do a physical assessment. They will assess the pelvic organ location and vaginal tone while performing the examination.

Assessing the prolapse's severity may be made easier using ultrasound or MRI.

The treatment for uterine prolapsed

Prolapse that has not reached the third degree may resolve on its own. More serious situations might need medical attention.

Surgery and vaginal pessaries are available.

The Vaginal pessary

The uterus is supported and kept in place by this vaginal device. It is crucial to adhere to the care, removal, and insertion guidelines for the pessary. A pessary may result in discomfort, ulceration, and sexual issues in cases of severe prolapse.

Whether this course of treatment is appropriate for you should be discussed with your doctor.


A prolapsed uterus can be treated surgically through the vagina or the abdomen. In order to produce the uterine suspension, involves skin grafting or the use of donor tissue or other materials.

In extreme circumstances, doctors could advise a hysterectomy. The uterus and, frequently, other reproductive system components are removed during this treatment.

How to stop uterine prolapsed

Uterine prolapse can develop, but certain measures can prevent it from getting worse.

These comprise, but are not restricted to:

  • Exercising the pelvic floor with movements like the Kegel
  • Treatment and prevention of constipation
  • Each time lifting is required, using proper body mechanics
  • The treatment of persistent cough
  • Via food and exercise, keeping a healthy weight
  • Menopausal women who are thinking about estrogen replacement therapy

There might be a need for additional forms of treatment if the prolapse shows signs of getting worse.

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Risk factors for uterine prolapse

The following are the most typical uterine prolapsed risk factors:

  • Multiple births and pregnancies: With each additional pregnancy and birth, the chance of uterine prolapse rises. Pelvic floor muscles and connective structures may deteriorate after vaginal births.
  • Overweight: An increased risk exists for persons with a BMI over 25 compared to those with a lower BMI. Pelvic muscles might become weakened by excess weight.
  • An earlier hysterectomy: Prolapsed may occur more frequently in those who have undergone pelvic surgery, including a hysterectomy.
  • Age: As humans age, the tissues supporting the uterus and vagina get weaker. The most common age range for diagnosis is 60 to 69.
  • Ethnicity: According to studies, Asian and African Americans are more likely than Hispanics and non-Hispanic white Americans to experience uterine prolapse.
  • Tissue abnormalities: Disorders of the connective tissue can affect the ligaments that maintain the uterus and pelvic organs in place. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and Marfan syndrome are examples of these conditions.
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction: Pelvic floor abnormalities frequently coexist in patients with pelvic organ prolapse, which includes uterine prolapse. Included in this are fecal incontinence, hyperactive bladder, and urine incontinence.
  • More intense stomach pressure: This condition may be more common in people who frequently carry big objects. Constipated people and those with a persistent cough may also. The abdominal muscles are subjected to more tremendous pressure as a result of these circumstances and scenarios, which may cause weakness.

The summary

Uterine prolapse is not a life-threatening disorder, but it can be painful. In many cases, the disease may not manifest symptoms or telltale indicators until it has progressed to a more serious level.

Prolapsed may be treated without surgery in people who can feel a bulge or pressure in their vagina. Exercise and other noninvasive therapies may aid in the prolepses healing. It can also be required to use a vaginal pessary to support the organs. Surgery is frequently saved for the worst patients. It is, nonetheless, very successful.

A person is more likely to get uterine prolapsed if certain risk factors are present. Obesity and a history of multiple pregnancies and births are a couple of them. These people need routine pelvic exams to look for uterine prolapsed symptoms.

Early detection of the issue may give a person more time to develop stronger pelvic floor muscles and avert more serious prolapses.

You should try to keep up your health practices.

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