Women health


Bed-wetting in adult’s 

Many people believe that bedwetting only affects children, but it is a problem that can affect adults as well. It's understandable if you're embarrassed by your wet sheets, but it's not your fault. It could be caused by a medical condition, medication, or a bladder problem. There are numerous options available to you for resolving the issue. adult bed wetting solutions


Talk to your doctor if you start wetting the bed as an adult. You might hear them refer to your problem as nocturnal enuresis, which is the medical term for it. Some of the reasons why this could be happening to you include:

Your kidneys produce more urine than usual. A hormone called ADH instructs your kidneys to produce less urine, and you produce less of it at night. You may not produce enough of this hormone or your kidneys may not respond well to it if you have bed-wetting problems.

Diabetes insipidus, a type of diabetes that causes you to produce more urine, also affects ADH levels.

Your bladder isn't big enough to hold enough urine. Pee can leak if there isn't enough room in your bladder.

Bladder overactivity (OAB). When you're ready to pee, your bladder muscles normally contract. These muscles squeeze too much or at the wrong times in OAB.

Medicine. Some medications, such as sleeping pills or antipsychotics, can irritate your bladder.

  1. Clozapine (Clozaril, FazaClo, Versacloz)
  2. Risperidone (Risperdal)

It's also possible that your bedwetting is caused by medical conditions that affect your body's ability to store and hold urine. It can be caused by cancers such as bladder and prostate cancer. Seizures, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease, for example, can all affect the brain and spine. Other possible causes include:

  1. The urethra obstructed (the tube that carries urine from the bladder)
  2. Constipation
  3. Diabetes
  4. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a type of sleep apnea that
  5. Prolapse of the pelvic organs
  6. A problem with your bladder's or other urinary organs' structure
  7. Prostate enlargement
  8. Stones in the urinary tract or infection

What Is the Process of Diagnosing Bed-Wetting?

Your doctor will examine you and ask you questions about your symptoms and medical history. Keep a journal so you can respond to their questions. Take notes on things like:

  1. When and how frequently do you wet your bed?
  2. How much urine is produced? (a lot or a little)
  3. What you drank and how much you drank before going to bed
  4. Any other signs or symptoms you've experienced?
  5. To diagnose the problem, your doctor will perform tests like:

Urinalysis. It examines a sample of your urine for signs of infection or other problems with the urinary tract, which includes organs like the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra that deal with urine.

Culture of urine. A small sample of your urine is sent to the lab, where technicians place it in a special dish with nutrients. This test examines your urine for bacteria and yeast. It can detect an infection in the urinary tract.

Uroflowmetry. To determine how much urine you produce and how quickly it flows out, you pee into a special funnel.

Measurement of residual urine after voiding. After you pee, this test determines how much urine is left in your bladder.

What's the Best Way to Deal with Bed-Wetting?

Your doctor may advise you to begin by making a few minor adjustments to your daily and nightly routines:

Try bladder retraining as a solution. Go to the bathroom at regular intervals throughout the day and night. Increase the time between bathroom visits gradually, for example by 15 minutes at a time. Your bladder will learn to hold more fluid as a result of this.

Before you go to bed, don't drink anything. You'll produce less urine this way. Caffeine and alcohol can cause your bladder to become stimulated, so stay away from them.

Make use of a timer. Set it to wake you up at regular intervals throughout the night to allow you to go to the bathroom.

Consider getting a bed-wetting alarm system. You can attach it to your underwear or a bed pad. It will notify you if you begin to wet the bed.

Take your medications. There are a number of things that can help with bedwetting. Desmopressin (DDAVP) lowers the amount of urine produced by your kidneys. Other drugs that help to calm overactive bladder muscles include:

  1. Darifenacin (Enablex)
  2. Imipramine (Tofranil)
  3. Oxybutynin (Ditropan)
  4. Tolterodine (Detrol)
  5. Trospium chloride
  6. Fesoterodine fumarate (Toviaz)
  7. Solifenacin (VESIcare)

If other treatments and medicines don't work, your doctor may suggest one of the following procedures:

Bladder augmentation. It’s a procedure that increases the amount of urine your bladder can hold by expanding it.

The stimulation of the sacral nerve. It aids in bladder control. A small device is implanted in your body by your doctor, which sends signals to nerves in your lower back that help control urine flow.

Myectomy of the detrusor. An overactive bladder is treated with a major operation. To prevent the muscles around your bladder from contracting at inopportune times, your surgeon removes part or all of them.

Top tips for Dealing with Wetness

Take these simple steps to deal with bedwetting until you can get it under control:

  1. To keep your mattress or sheets dry, cover them with a waterproof cover or pad.
  2. To bed, wear absorbent underwear or pads.
  3. To keep your skin from becoming irritated, use special skin cleansing cloths and lotions.

Return to your doctor if one treatment fails. Finding the right bed-wetting solution can take a few tries at times.


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