Side effects of eating rice daily
Because of the naturally occurring arsenic in rice,
scientists have discovered that consuming a lot of it increases the risk of
dying from heart disease.
According to a study, people who consume the most rice have
a 6% higher chance of dying from cardiovascular disease than those who consume
the least.
The toxin accumulates naturally in the crop and has been
connected to illnesses, dietary-related malignancies, and liver disease on
numerous occasions. It can lead to death in severe circumstances.
Rice is a mainstay of many people's diets around the world,
and millions of people in underdeveloped nations rely on it for calories and
Arsenic in rice is thought to be responsible for
approximately 50,000 preventable premature deaths each year around the world.
Arsenic is found naturally in the soil, but concentrations
are higher in areas that have employed arsenic-based herbicides or irrigation
water laced with the toxin.
Rice is produced in flooded conditions, which draws arsenic from the soil and into the water before being absorbed by the plants.
Rice is especially sensitive because arsenic resembles other
compounds absorbed through the plant's root system, allowing the toxin to get
past the plant's defenses.
Rice is a staple food in many Nigerian households; in fact,
it is reasonable to assume that Nigerians consume it on a daily basis. However,
most of us are unaware that, while rice provides us with an excellent source of
energy in the form of carbohydrates, consuming too much of it might have
negative consequences. Here are five negative consequences of eating too much
1. Toxicology
of arsenic
Rice, more than any other food crop, collects more arsenic.
Inorganic arsenic, the more dangerous type of arsenic, is found in abundance in
this diet.
While dietary arsenic is generally present in small amounts
and does not cause immediate poisoning symptoms, long-term ingestion of
inorganic arsenic can cause a variety of nerve problems in children and
teenagers, including impaired concentration, learning, and memory, as well as
reduced intelligence and social competence.
Diabetic complications
Rice includes carbs, which are essentially the same as
sugar. As a result, consuming significant amounts of rice on a regular basis
may create dizziness.
A group of Harvard School of Public Health researchers led
by Qi Sun, MD, corroborated this, finding that consuming white rice on a
regular basis increases the chance of acquiring type 2 diabetes and obesity.
3. It
eliminates the possibility of a healthy diet.
Too much rice, or any other food, may cause you to consume
insufficient amounts of the essential nutrients required for good health.
Deficits in vitamin A, zinc, and iron will develop in the body over time.
4. Rice
prevents the absorption of a lot of vitamins and minerals.
When rice is consumed in large quantities, it reduces the
absorption of essential elements such as zinc.
Vitamin A deficiency is also caused by a reliance on rice as
a primary food source.
5. It
has an effect on the body's glucose metabolism.
Eating too much rice might alter glucose metabolism and
insulin production in your body due to its low calorie and high carbohydrate
content. Weight gain, insulin resistance, and possibly diabetes might result
from this.
YOU CAN ALSO READ: 5 Simple Steps to Identify Toxic Chines Plastic Rice
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