Women health

 What can cause miscarriage in early pregnancy?

The word "miscarriage" refers to the loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks gestation, as you are likely aware if you have heard it. Nobody wants to consider miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, but 10–20% of all known pregnancies result in miscarriage. You can be better prepared for a miscarriage if you can identify the signs of one and know what to do after that.

Symptoms of a miscarriage

Because a miscarriage can occur quickly or gradually, you might not recognize any specific early symptoms of one. However, regardless of how quickly it occurs, major symptoms include:

  • Vaginal bleeding or spotting pink, red, or brown
  • Having cramps or lower abdominal pain
  • Removing blood clots or tissue from the vagina

Each miscarriage is unique. The pains and bleeding that are the heaviest may stop in a few hours, but bleeding may be intermittent for up to three weeks. Additionally, a miscarriage isn't always unpleasant, despite the fact that the majority of people have cramping.

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Early pregnancy is characterized by both vaginal spotting and minor cramping, making it possible to experience a miscarriage without being aware of it. This is why, once you've confirmed your pregnancy, you should contact your healthcare provider if you encounter any of the aforementioned signs and symptoms.

How often do miscarriages occur?

The majority of miscarriages occur in the first trimester, or the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. An early miscarriage could be mistaken for a period if you're not keeping track of your menstrual cycle or fertility. And while miscarriages are still possible after the first trimester, the likelihood drops substantially, to just 3-4%. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, it is also possible to experience a pregnancy loss; however, this is known as a stillbirth. Compared to miscarriages, it is far less prevalent and is treated differently.

Will a pregnancy test come out negative after a miscarriage?

After a miscarriage, it takes some time for your hormone levels to stabilize at those from before the pregnancy. For several weeks after a miscarriage, the level of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) may still be high enough to result in a positive pregnancy test.

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What exactly causes miscarriages?

Miscarriages are frequently brought on by factors that are out of your control, such as:

  • Chromosomal abnormalities: An over- or under-proportionate number of chromosomes can occur in a fertilized egg. The majority of miscarriages are caused by random chromosomal abnormalities, which account for about half of all pregnancies. They have the power to stop the embryo from developing or from forming at all.
  • Cervical or uterine problems: Some uterine or cervix problems can impede embryo development and result in miscarriage. This includes disorders including endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and cervical insufficiency, which occurs when the cervix opens too early, usually in the second trimester, and causes growths or scar tissue in the uterus.
  • Infections: You risk losing your pregnancy if you don't get treatment for STIs. It's crucial to get tested for STIs before becoming pregnant because an infection can exist without showing any signs. Additionally, if you contract listeriosis, a form of food illness, you could miscarry. It is advised that you refrain from consuming some meals when pregnant because of this.
  • Other variables can also raise your chance of miscarriage and other pregnancy issues in addition to the ones mentioned above. Among these risk factors are:
  • Age: The chance of miscarriage increases beyond the age of 35. This is because eggs with additional or missing chromosomes are increasingly typical as you become older.
  • Environmental exposition: exposure to radiation, poisons, or pollutants through work or other means.
  • State of disease: such as severe diabetes, thyroid abnormalities, autoimmune diseases, and being overweight or underweight.
  • Choosing lifestyle: taking in drinks, smoking, and taking drugs.
  • Miscarriages in the past:  An increased likelihood of miscarrying in the future can be predicted if you experience two or more consecutive miscarriages.

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What cannot cause a miscarriage?

Miscarriage has not been associated with physical exercise or sexual activity. Conversely, if you're ever unsure whether anything is safe to do while pregnant, talk to your healthcare professional.

According to several pieces of research, increased coffee intake or stress levels during pregnancy may raise the risk of miscarriage. Although more research is required, it is advised that you try to manage your stress as much as you can and limit your daily coffee intake to 200 mg.

How to move forward in the event of a miscarriage

Again, contact your healthcare practitioner if you suspect a miscarriage. They'll want to confirm the miscarriage and make sure you don't have any infections or risky blood loss. An ultrasound and a pelvic exam are typically used for this.

Miscarriages frequently end spontaneously, requiring no medical intervention. You might experience some mild bleeding that subsides over the course of a few weeks, and it might take a few days for all of the tissue to pass. If you have persistent heavy bleeding, a fever, indications of weakness, or other infections, get medical help right once.

Getting medical help after a miscarriage

A miscarriage cannot be stopped by medicine. Instead, miscarriage treatment emphasizes avoiding severe bleeding and infection, which can occur if the uterus isn't entirely free of tissue. Options for treatment, once a miscarriage has been determined, include:

  • Medication: The passage of pregnancy tissue may be accelerated with medication.
  • Surgery: A small procedure known as dilatation and curettage (D&C) may be carried out if there is unutilized tissue in the uterus or indications of significant blood loss or infection. The cervix is dilated during a D&C so that the remaining tissue can be carefully removed. Additionally, preference may be used to select this option.

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Tips for getting over a miscarriage

Avoid placing anything in your vagina during a miscarriage and for two weeks after to prevent infection. This entails refraining from sexual activity and switching to pads in place of tampons.

Take acetaminophen as directed on the package if you experience painful cramps before, during, or after a miscarriage.

The bleeding can cause your iron levels to fall. Consume a nutritious diet rich in iron and vitamin C to counteract this and assist your body's blood production. Red meat, shrimp, beans, and leafy green vegetables are all good sources of iron. Citrus fruits, kiwis, bell peppers, and many other vegetables contain vitamin C.

There are no right or wrong emotions to feel upon experiencing a miscarriage. Many different feelings, such as mood swings, grief, rage, and loneliness, are frequent. If you need help after losing a pregnancy or are feeling overwhelmed, talk to family, friends, or a counselor.

Give yourself some grace. A miscarriage can take a heavy emotional and physical toll. If you require some downtime to rest and recover, it's acceptable to take a break from your routine.

Once it has been determined that you have miscarried, attend any follow-up appointments that have been suggested and notify your healthcare practitioner as soon as you notice any new or worsening symptoms.

Can a miscarriage be prevented?

It's common to consider whether there was anything you could have done to prevent the miscarriage. Keep in mind that miscarriages are rarely anyone's fault, and there is no surefire way to prevent them. However, there are several healthy lifestyle decisions you may make to reduce your risk, such as:

  • Quit as soon as you can if you smoke, consume alcohol, or use drugs.
  • Have an STI test done.
  • Discuss any health issues you haven't received treatment for with a medical expert.
  • To manage your health conditions, follow any treatment recommendations or other advice you have already been provided.
  • Activate your body enough.
  • Follow a healthy diet.

Reduce your risk.

Making a preconception appointment is one of the finest things you can do if you aren't pregnant yet to reduce your chance of miscarriage and other issues. Your healthcare professional has the chance to review your health and lifestyle histories and offers suggestions that can help your pregnancy start as healthily as possible.

Maintain your prenatal checkup schedule if you are already pregnant. Prenatal visits make sure that both you and your unborn child are receiving the necessary care. Additionally, by scheduling regular consultations, your care team has a better opportunity of identifying potential issues early on

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Try your best to continue living a healthy lifestyle.

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