Women health

 Home remedies to reduce cholesterol quickly

Whereas the body needs some cholesterol, an excessive amount of one type can have negative effects on health. But some plants, like rosemary and turmeric, can help lower cholesterol. However, additional research is required to ascertain their impact on cholesterol.

Cells require cholesterol as one of their primary building blocks. This waxy substance is produced by the liver and is transported throughout the body by the blood.

The amount of cholesterol that the liver generates might vary depending on genetics and lifestyle. When it generates too much, it may get blocked, which may result in a heart attack or stroke.

Nevertheless, not all cholesterol is harmful. Two categories have been established by health professionals. Dependable source:

  1. Reduced-density lipoprotein "Bad" cholesterol: People frequently refer to this as such. When LDL levels are high, this might lead to blocked arteries.
  2. Higher-density lipoprotein "excellent" cholesterol: This cholesterol is frequently referred to as such. LDL cholesterol is cleared from the circulation in part thanks to HDL.

Doctors frequently check the amounts of triglycerides when assessing cholesterol values. These fats can raise LDL cholesterol levels and store extra energy from a person's diet.

LDL cholesterol reduction can be accomplished through a variety of procedures, including medication and lifestyle adjustments.

The use of herbal supplements may also help reduce cholesterol, according to some people. The herbs discussed in this article are the who’s potential to decrease cholesterol has been supported by some data. But one must first speak with a doctor before taking supplements.

1. Fenugreek seeds and leaves

Supplements containing fenugreek, according to studies, may help lower blood cholesterol levels.

In accordance with a meta-analysis from 2020According to research published in Trusted Source, fenugreek pills can aid diabetics with their cholesterol levels. The authors did emphasize the need for more credible studies, though.

2. Artichoke leaf extract

A nutrient-rich diet, like the Mediterranean diet, may include artichokes in the diet of the consumer. Artichoke's impact on cholesterol levels has been the subject of numerous studies throughout the years.

The 2018 release of meta-analysis LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels may be decreased by taking artichoke leaf extract, according to a trusted source. In particular, for people with hyperlipidemia, the researchers claimed that taking supplements containing artichoke leaf extract may be effective in conjunction with lipid-lowering medication. When a person has too many fats in their body, such as too many triglycerides and cholesterol, this occurs.

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3. Yarrow

Yarrow is an above-ground, blooming herb that has long been utilized in folk medicine.

There is some evidence that it may decrease cholesterol.

It helped lower the cholesterol levels in broiler chicks, according to a previous study from 2012, the researchers discovered. Since the goal of the study was to determine how to use fewer antibiotics in chickens, these findings might not be applicable to humans.

According to a 2019 study, yarrow extract appeared to change lipids in vitro, or away from living things. However, the use of it for lowering total cholesterol was not mentioned by the authors. Instead, they suggest that it might be useful for treating pancreatic cancer.

Consuming yarrow supplements could lower cholesterol. However, there are currently no studies that specifically examine it in humans.

4. Holy basil

A person can consume holy basil (also known as tulsi), a mildly hot, bitter herb, either raw or cooked.

Using persons with metabolic problems 40 years and older, a 2018 study examined the effects of holy basil. A higher dose, it was discovered, lowers both total and LDL cholesterol levels. For this to occur, a person must ingest a minimum of 1 gram (g) each day.

The results, however, were only temporary, according to the study authors. Long-term use may or may not produce an impact that lasts.

5. Ginger

The popular herb ginger is used in many dishes with Asian influences. It gives meals a sweet, faintly tangy flavor. In addition, some people take ginger supplements to treat a variety of medical issues.

Researchers looked examined 12 trials in a systematic review and meta-analysis from 2018. According to research, taking less than 2 grams of ginger daily has a positive impact on decreasing triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels.

However, they also pointed out that more thorough research is required to fully demonstrate its efficacy in lowering high cholesterol.

A person may think about taking supplements or including ginger in their diet.

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6. Turmeric

Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines frequently use turmeric as a spice. It is well-known for its striking yellow hue and earthy flavor. For a range of potential health advantages, some also use it in conventional medicine.

The key ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, was the subject of a 2017 study that looked at the risk of cardiovascular disease. The study team discovered that curcumin and turmeric may help lower serum cholesterol levels in patients at risk for cardiovascular disease.

But they pointed out that more thorough research is required to support its efficacy and to offer accurate dosage and safety guidelines.

7. Rosemary

The cholesterol levels of an individual may benefit in several other ways from rosemary.

In a previous study from 2014, patients who consumed 2, 5, or 10 g of rosemary powder daily experienced a drop in their total cholesterol levels. They claimed that using this herb could help lower the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and other long-term illnesses. Further investigation is required to reach firmer conclusions because the study only used a small sample size.

From the Outlook

A person's chance of getting cardiovascular disease can rise with high cholesterol levels. Cholesterol can accumulate in the arteries, obstructing blood flow to the heart and potentially leading to a heart attack or a stroke in the brain.

The advice given by a physician regarding a patient's course of therapy should be followed. They should consult a doctor before stopping their cholesterol medication.

Additionally, they should exercise caution while taking supplements and speak with a doctor about any supplements they are thinking about trying. Some supplements could conflict with or adversely affect how they are taking their current medications.

The lifestyle changes, such as increasing regular physical activity or exercise, may help lower cholesterol. A person's diet can also be altered, for as by adopting the Mediterranean diet, which is advised by the American Heart Association.

Someone can live a typical, healthy life by managing their cholesterol and other cardiovascular risk factors.

ALSO READ:  How to lower cholesterol without medication


It's possible that some plants have therapeutic qualities that can treat ailments like high cholesterol. Sometimes there aren't enough studies done to determine how supplements and dietary changes affect cholesterol.

Before changing supplements or medications, a person must speak with a doctor to avoid any potential interactions.

Having said that, including herbs in the diet—like rosemary and turmeric—can help decrease cholesterol. They might also give more flavors to dishes, which would make healthy eating more alluring.

Keep your health in mind as you learn more!

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  1. Herbs appliance
  2. Herbs and their benefits
  3. Cleansing herbs
  4. Different herbs
  5. Herbs for high blood pressure 



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