Poisonous fish you can't eat
One fish, two fish, and fish that is harmful to you. Red fish, blue fish, or yes fish? Okay, fish? Finding fish that are both healthy and sustainable can be difficult because our oceans are so depleted of wild fish supplies and so contaminated with industrial toxins. Lists of "good fish" can alter annually as supplies recover or deplete every few years, but there are some species that you can always refuse to eat.
Food and Water Watch, a nonprofit organization, studied all
the different types of fish, how they were caught, how some species were
raised, the levels of hazardous contaminants like mercury or PCBs in the fish,
as well as how much local fishermen depended on local fisheries for their
livelihood. They came to the conclusion that there are 12 fish that we should
all absolutely stay away from.
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Catfish imported
Reason it’s
In Vietnam, where the use of antibiotics that are outlawed in the US is common,
almost 90% of the catfish imported into the country comes from there. The
federal government doesn't properly classify the two varieties of Vietnamese
catfish that are sold in the US, Swai, and Basa, as catfish, thus they
aren't subject to the same inspection requirements as other imported catfish.
This Rather: Director of the Fish Program at Food &
Water Watch Marianne Cufone suggests sticking with domestic, farm-raised
catfish. It is one of the tastiest fish you can eat because it is plentiful and
responsibly farmed. Alternately, consider Asian carp, an invasive species that
resemble catfish and is out competing with wild catfish and jeopardizing the
environment of the Great Lakes.
2. Caviar
it’s bad: According to the Food and River Watch research, beluga, and
wild-caught sturgeon are vulnerable to overfishing, but the species is also in
danger from an increase in dam construction that pollutes the river they reside
in. All varieties of caviar originate from fish that need a long time to reach
sexual maturity, therefore population recovery takes time.
This Rather: Choose caviar made from American Lake Sturgeon
fish eggs or Mississippi River system caviar made from American
Hackleback/Shovelnose Sturgeon.
3. Atlantic
it’s bad: Because it is so essential to the survival of New England
fishermen's industry, it was challenging to include this one in the "dirty
dozen list," according to Cufone. However, she adds, "The National
Marine Fisheries Service's repeated poor management and the low stock status
made it very difficult to recommend." The International Union for
Preservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species now lists the species
as threatened, one step beyond endangered, as a result of the mid-1990s stock
collapse and the current state of the species.
This Rather: If you enjoy fish 'n' chips, which are almost
usually cooked with cod, the good news is that Pacific cod stocks are still
healthy and are one of Food and Water Watch's top priorities.
4. American Eel Fish
it’s bad: This fish, which is widely used in sushi dishes and is
also known as a yellow or silver eel, was included on the list due to its
significant PCB and mercury contamination. Overfishing and minor pollution are
also harming the fisheries.
This Rather: Choose squid from the Atlantic or Pacific if
you enjoy the flavor of eel.
5. imported
it’s bad: Since 90% of shrimp marketed in the U.S. is imported,
imported shrimp holds the distinction of being the Dirtiest Dozen, according to
Cufone, and it is difficult to avoid. Antibiotics, leftovers from chemicals
used to clean pens, dirt like mouse hair, rat hair, and insect parts are just a
few of the toxins that are present in imported farmed shrimp, according to
Cufone. "And I didn't even bring up things like E. coli that has been
found in imported shrimp," the speaker continued. It's even more crucial
to purchase domestic seafood because less than 2% of ALL imported seafood
(shrimp, crab, catfish, or other species) is inspected before being sold. (Need
more persuading?
ALSO READ: 5 Medically Accepted Fish Oil for Men's Health
This Rather: Ask about domestic shrimp. The Gulf of Mexico,
which depends heavily on shrimp for economic reasons, provides 70% of domestic
shrimp. Another excellent option is the pink shrimp from Oregon, whose
fisheries have earned certification under the exacting standards of the Marine
Stewardship Council.
6. The Atlantic Flatfish
it’s bad: These fish are caught off the Atlantic coast and include
flounder, sole, and halibut. Due to extensive contamination and overfishing
that stretches back to the 1800s, they ended up on the list. Food and Water
Watch estimates that these fish populations are only 1% of what is required for
long-term fishing sustainability.
This Rather: The group advises substituting Pacific halibut
with other mild-flavored white-fleshed fish, like domestically raised catfish
or tilapia, even though the fish appear to be thriving well.
Atlantic salmon, either farmed or wild-caught
it’s bad: Due to the limited fish stocks, which are caused in part
by salmon farms, it is really unlawful to collect wild Atlantic salmon. Salmon
farming produces a lot of pollution since the enclosures are overcrowded with
thousands of fish, which encourages the rise of illnesses and parasites that
call for the use of antibiotics and pesticides. The native fish populations
frequently fall as a result of the fish escaping and competing with them for
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is going forward with
the approval of genetically altered salmon to be marketed to unwary seafood
lovers, which will only make our salmon problems worse. Uncertainty surrounds
the labeling of the salmon, which would be farmed off the coast of Panama.
Currently, only fish from fish farms are sold under the "Atlantic
salmon" designation.
This Rather: Choose wild Alaskan salmon now and if GE
salmon is formally permitted in the future.
8. King Crab imported
it’s bad: The majority of imported crab comes from Russia, where
fishing harvest limitations are not strictly followed, which is the largest issue
with it. The crab also has an identity dilemma, according to Cufone:
"Imported king crab is often misnamed Alaskan king crab, because most
people think that's the name of the crab," she adds, noting that she
frequently sees labels at stores that read "Alaskan King Crab,
Imported." She claims that the Alaskan king crab is a totally different
species from the imported king crab and that it is fished much more ethically.
This Rather: Ask whether the king crab is imported or from
Alaska when you are shopping, regardless of what the label claims. It's vital
to understand that king crab is imported because only around 70% of it is sold
in the United States. Instead, choose domestic sources.
ALSO READ: Benefits of eating fish everyday
Reasons it’s bad: According to Cufone, issues resulting from our excessive consumption of sharks occur at every level of the food chain. One of the dangers to humans is the extraordinarily high mercury content of these predatory fish. However, ocean ecosystems also suffer. According to Cufone, "the species that sharks eat, like cow nose rays and jellyfish, have increased in number with fewer sharks around." And scallops and other fish are being eaten by the rays, diminishing their food supply. Because there are fewer of those fish in the waters for us to eat, the coastal towns that depend on those fisheries are suffering economically.
This Rather: Both Pacific halibut and Atlantic mackerel are
suggested as shark substitutes.
Orange Roughy
it’s Bad: In addition to having high mercury levels, orange roughy
also reproduces late in life and can take 20 to 40 years to achieve full
maturity, which makes it challenging for populations to rebound from
overfishing. Due to its reputation for being overfished, some major restaurant
chains, like Red Lobster, won't serve orange roughy. However, it occasionally
appears in grocery store freezers with the incorrect label of "sustainably
harvested." Avoid any orange roughy fisheries you come across as there
aren't any that the Marine Stewardship Council considers to be well-managed or
This Rather: Choose domestic catfish or yellow snapper to
achieve the same texture as orange roughy in your recipes.
Bluefin Tuna in the Atlantic
Reasons it’s bad: The Atlantic bluefin tuna has the highest levels of mercury of any form of tuna, according to a recent study by The New York Times. And to top it all off, bluefin tuna are "critically endangered" according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature due to excessive overfishing that has brought them to the brink of extinction. Consider giving up tuna completely and switching to a nutritious, delectable alternative, such as Alaska wild-caught salmon, rather than attempting to navigate the constantly-changing suggestions for which tuna is best.
This Rather: If you truly can't live without tuna, choose
American or Canadian albacore tuna instead than imported albacore tuna because
it is caught young and has lower mercury levels.
12. Chilean
sea bass
it’s bad: Although the US Department of State claims that illegal
fishing for Chilean sea bass has decreased recently, illegal fishing still
accounts for the majority of the fish sold in the US. The NGO Greenpeace,
however, predicts that unless people stop eating this fish, the entire species
may become commercially extinct within five years due to the dire state of fish
populations. The Food and Water Watch guide mentions that these fish also have
significant mercury concentrations.
Eat This
Rather: However, US haddock captured with hook and line will have
the same texture and feel as these highly sought-after and prized fish.
ALSO READ: Top 13 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Sardines (Can Fish)
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- Fish to avoid eating
- Worst fish to eat mercury
- Should we stop eating fish?
- Poisonous fish in the ocean
- Killer fish names
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