Women health

 How do you check for pancreas problems?


A long, flat gland called the pancreas is located in the upper belly, hidden below the stomach. It measures around 6 inches in length, and its head is located on the right side of the belly, where the small intestine is connected. The production of enzymes that aid in food digestion is the pancreas gland's primary duty. Additionally, it creates specific hormones needed to create the insulin cells the body needs to metabolize glucose and sugar. The body obtains all of its nutrients from the food that has been broken down by the digestive system, so improper pancreatic function can result in a number of disorders. Once this mechanism is disrupted, we are more susceptible to several diseases.

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Side effects of a pancreas problem

A problem with the pancreas arises when it produces digestive enzymes but is unable to release them into the body. The pancreas itself becomes clogged with these enzymes, which irritate the cells. Pancreatic inflammation is an additional consequence of this. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes, cystic fibrosis, pancreatic cancer, pancreatic pseudocyst, islet cell tumor, enlarged pancreas, and other conditions can be brought on by the negative effects of pancreatitis or pancreas problems. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are brought on by a malfunction in the pancreas' ability to produce insulin cells.

The body's many organs are affected by the genetic condition known as cystic fibrosis. The pancreas and lungs are particularly impacted. There are numerous cells in the pancreas that could rapidly turn into tumors. The pancreatic duct is where tumor cells are most frequently seen to develop.


1. Extreme abdominal pain

When pancreatitis is severe, abdominal pain can go from being acute and not very significant to being excruciating. When there are pancreas difficulties, discomfort is typically felt in the upper abdomen. Applying a heating pad to the painful area for 15 to 20 minutes will provide relief right away. You might also try resting on your side rather than flat to make digestion simpler.

2. Unexpected loss of weight

Losing weight quickly is a common symptom of chronic pancreatitis. Your body continues to lose weight even when you have a typical and nutritious diet. This is due to a lack of pancreatic enzyme production by the body, which makes it difficult to digest food. Once the food has not been digested, the body receives no nourishment, which results in malnutrition or unexplained weight loss.

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3. Fast heartbeat

According to experts, cardiovascular disorders and pancreatic ailments are related. An individual's risk of developing pancreas problems can be increased by ischemic heart disease and hypertension. Patients with pancreas issues, therefore, appear to have faster heartbeats.

4. A painful and swollen abdomen

If they have severe pancreatitis or any other pancreas issues, some people could suffer from a bloated and sore abdomen. Each individual experiences different symptoms. Bloating of the abdomen is a possibility in this situation. Due to digestive issues, the intestinal contents are not moving, which causes swelling. When you touch your abdomen, you feel tenderness. In some cases, it can also result in peripancreatic fluid accumulation and pseudocyst formation.

5. Fever

Sudden Chronic pancreatic inflammation might result in fever.

6. Diarrhea and Vomiting

As indigestion and a lack of pancreatic enzyme production are the main causes of pancreas issues, nausea, and vomiting are frequent signs and symptoms.

7. Odorous and oily stools

Constipation and diarrhea are common symptoms of pancreatitis. Thus, loose stools result. It occasionally has an oily or sour scent. The lack of digestive enzymes in the intestines is the cause of this.

Causes of pancreatic problems

  • Alcohol
  • Smoking
  • medications may aggravate the pancreas
  • High blood triglyceride levels
  • Gastrointestinal infections
  • Metabolic diseases resemble diabetes
  • Genetic diseases resembling cystic fibrosis
  • Abdominal injury
  • Pancreas issues can also be brought on by high blood calcium levels.
  • Obese people are also more likely to have pancreatic disorders.
  • Pancreatic illnesses are heavily influenced by genetics as well.
  • Higher risks of developing the condition exist in people with a family history of pancreatitis.

If you have a pancreatic problem, who should you see?

First, speak with your family doctor or regular physician, if you see them frequently, and let them know what is bothering you. A gastroenterologist will be recommended once you have explained your symptoms and sickness to the doctor. Treatment of pancreatic issues is the domain of a gastroenterologist. You can find a nearby specialist by searching for Gastroenterologists near me if you don't have a specific family doctor and need to see one right away. Before visiting the doctor, you can schedule an appointment over the phone. If you wish to consult a particular doctor who is located distant from your house, you can also choose to do it online.

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What are the main pancreas problem treatments?

For various stages of the infection, distinct pancreas problems require different treatments. The doctors may recommend a bowel rest in moderate cases when there are fewer difficulties. During this time, you won't be allowed to eat or drink by mouth and your intestines will rest for a few days. Usually, fluids are given intravenously. When the obstruction in the pancreatic duct is severe, doctors treat it with Endoscopic Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), which combines upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and x-rays. ERCP is used to remove the gallstones that are causing the duct blockage.

The conclusion

A small pancreas problem can develop into a serious condition if ignored. Kidney failure, difficulty breathing, starvation, and diabetes are further side effects of pancreatic illnesses. Few people experience it fast, but for many, it persists over time. If you have a history of pancreatitis in your family, it is best to minimize risk factors including drinking and smoking. To grow healthy intestines, try eating a balanced diet and practicing yoga and meditation. You may stay away from such issues by eating a balanced diet and exercising frequently.

Keep living a healthy lifestyle as much as you can.

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