Why does my tongue change colors
The tongue is a small, muscle organ that can actually come
in a variety of hues, despite the fact that you might think it only comes in
one color. The color of a tongue can change to red, yellow, purple, or any other
shade, and certain medical disorders can even affect how it looks.
Your tongue's color may vary, but it doesn't necessarily
mean that your health is at its best.
If you're unsure of whether the color of your tongue
qualifies as "healthy," keep reading to find out what each
conceivable shade signifies and when you should consult a physician.
color of a normal, "healthy" person
A "typical healthy" tongue has features that are
common to all tongues, despite modest variations in appearance. It should be
pink with just a hint of a whitish surface layer.
On a healthy tongue, there are many papillae. You can
taste and eat food more easily because of these tiny nodules that are present
on the surface.
tongue colors
If the color of your tongue is not as it should be, you may
have a health problem. Other tongue colors and their potential meanings are
listed below.
1. Red tongue
A simple B vitamin
deficiency that can be treated with supplements could be the cause of a red
(not dark pink) tongue. Your tongue may also turn red as a symptom of Kawasaki
disease, scarlet fever, and eczema. Geographic tongue is a rare but unharmful
disorder where your tongue has white borders and red areas.
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2. Purple
Your tongue turning
purple could be a sign of heart issues or poor blood flow generally. In
Kawasaki disease, a purple tongue is possible.
3. Bluetongue
A blue tongue could be an indication of inadequate blood
oxygenation. Lung issues or kidney disease may be to blame for this.
4. Yellow
Using chewing tobacco or smoking can cause your tongue to
appear yellow. The yellow tongue is occasionally related to jaundice and psoriasis.
5. Gray
Your tongue could
occasionally turn gray due to digestive problems. Eczema or peptic ulcers might
also be to blame.
6. White
In general, white
spots that develop on the tongue's surface are the reason why it is white.
Typically, fungi infections like mouth thrush are to blame for them. These
patches can be healed using antifungal drugs. Leukoplakia or oral lichen
planus, which appear as white lines, are two benign disorders that can also
result in a white tongue. Leukoplakia can develop into cancer on occasion.
7. Brown
This is normally
unharmful and is brought on by your diet and beverage intake. Tobacco usage, a
bad habit that may result in oral cancer symptoms including blisters in the
tongue, is another cause of brown tongue.
8. Black Tongue
The most typical
explanation for a dark brown to black tongue is germs from bad dental hygiene
practices. Another potential reason for a black tongue is diabetes. Your
papillae may occasionally grow in number and seem hairy, which is a sign of the
benign disorder known as the hairy black tongue.
medicine diagnoses tongue infections
Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) have
long used tongue readings to make health diagnoses. The tongue itself is
regarded as a symbol of your general health in accordance with TCM beliefs.
According to TCM, the tongue can be observed in four primary
1. Color
In TCM, tongue color
is regarded as the most crucial sign of all. Long-term color changes that are
abnormal could be an indication of problems with vital body organs like the
heart, liver, or kidneys.
2. Coating
TCM adds that while a healthy tongue should have a thin,
whitish coating, a thicker coating may be a sign of an urgent problem with your
bladder, stomach, or intestines.
3. Moisture
In TCM, the tongue's wetness is also examined. A tongue that
is excessively dry is precisely the opposite of "dampness" in your
body, which is indicated by too much moisture.
4. Shape
The form of your tongue is another crucial sign of health
according to TCM. For instance, a thin tongue could be a sign of fluid loss.
Clinical investigations are also utilizing these TCM tongue
principles. This is particularly true of tongue color. According to one study,
color had an accuracy rate for disease identification of around 92 percent.
color changes
From day to day, your tongue could appear a little darker or
lighter. However, any persistent changes in the hue mentioned above should
be cause for a trip to the doctor.
of size or shape
An alteration in the appearance of your tongue, such as
swelling, odd lumps, or thinning, warrants a visit to the doctor.
or coating changes
It's important to pay attention to any changes in moisture
and coating, especially if you observe a thick layer of whitish or yellowish
film on your tongue. This kind of coating could spread to other mouth regions,
which might be an infection.
When you go in for your annual physical, the doctor might
notice changes to your tongue. The doctor should be consulted, nevertheless, if
you observe any tongue changes between yearly visits.
While performing a check-up, your dentist will also examine
your tongue for indications of an infection or oral cancer.
What to
keep in mind
The tongue is a frequently-overlooked bodily organ that can
offer a wealth of information about your general health, even though you may
not regularly "see" it.
So that you can spot any potential changes right away, it's
crucial to clean your tongue every day. While brushing your teeth, use a tongue
scraper or your toothbrush to do it.
Any changes to your tongue that remain longer than two weeks
should be examined by a doctor.
reading while keeping your health in mind.
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- Tongue color and meaning
- Tongue color and gut health
- Tongue color and disease
- Tongue color and symptoms
- Tongue bacteria color
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