Inflammatory foods to avoid
Depending on the circumstance, inflammation might be helpful
or detrimental.
On the one hand, whether you are ill or injured, it is your
body's natural defense mechanism.
It can aid in the body's ability to recover and protect
itself against disease.
However, persistent, chronic inflammation is associated with
a higher risk of conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and obesity
It's interesting to note that your body's inflammation
levels are strongly influenced by the meals you eat.
The following list of 5 foods may worsen inflammation.
Sugar with high-fructose corn syrup
The two primary types of added sugar in the Western diet are
table sugar (sucrose) and high fructose corn syrup.
High fructose corn syrup contains around 45% glucose and 55%
fructose, whereas sugar is 50% glucose and 50% fructose.
The fact that additional sugars can worsen inflammation,
which can result in disease, is one of the reasons they are bad for you.
In one study, mice on a high-sucrose diet developed breast
cancer that migrated to their lungs, in part because of the inflammatory
reaction to sugar.
In a different study from 2011, it was discovered that mice
on a high-sugar diet had diminished omega-3 fatty acid-induced
anti-inflammatory properties.
Additionally, only those who drank regular soda in a
scientific experiment where participants also had the option of drinking milk
or water, or diet soda had higher uric acid levels, which are linked to
inflammation and insulin resistance.
Due to the extra fructose that sugar contains, it may
potentially be dangerous.
While the tiny amounts of fructose found in fruits and
vegetables are OK, consuming high amounts of added sugars can have a negative
impact on health.
Fructose consumption has been associated with obesity,
insulin resistance, diabetes, fatty liver disease, cancer, and chronic kidney
Additionally, fructose has been linked to heart disease risk
due to its ability to trigger inflammation in the endothelial cells that line
your blood arteries.
Additionally, it has been demonstrated that both in mice and
humans, high fructose intake raises a number of inflammatory markers.
Candy, chocolate, soft drinks, sweet pastries, cakes, cookies, doughnuts, and some cereals are examples of foods high in added sugar.
A diet rich in sugar and high fructose corn syrup promotes
inflammation, which can result in illness. Additionally, it might negate the
anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 fatty acids.
ALSO READ: How to reduce inflammation in the body fast
Fried foods
Fried foods, such as French fries, mozzarella sticks,
doughnuts, and egg rolls, can cause the body to become more inflammatory in
addition to being high in fat and calories.
This is because some high-heat cooking techniques, like
frying, can enhance the formation of dangerous substances like advanced
glycation end products (AGEs), which can fuel inflammation and aid in the
development of chronic disease.
The level of Tran’s fats in cooking oils may increase as a
result of frying, and Tran’s fats can also cause inflammation.
Fried meals may alter the gut microbiota, according to some
research, which could lead to an increase in inflammation.
Additionally, it has been discovered by previous studies
that eating fried foods may raise your risk of acquiring heart disease and
dying from it.
Foods that are fried can produce more AGEs and Trans fats,
which are dangerous substances that may cause inflammation. Fried meals may
have an effect on the gut flora and may increase the chance of developing
chronic diseases, according to studies.
3. Sugary
Despite a poor reputation, many foods that are heavy in
carbohydrates are nevertheless quite healthy and can be included in a diet that
is balanced.
On the other hand, inflammation can be fueled by consuming
too many refined carbs.
Carbohydrates that have been refined have largely lost their
fiber. The good bacteria in your gut are fed by fiber, which also encourages
satiety and enhances blood sugar regulation.
Researchers hypothesize that the refined carbs in the modern
diet may promote the development of inflammatory gut bacteria that can raise
your risk of obesity and inflammatory bowel disease.
The glycemic index (GI) of refined versus unprocessed
carbohydrates is higher. Compared to low-GI foods, high-GI foods quickly
elevate blood sugar levels.
One study found that a low GI diet for three months
significantly reduced the indicators of inflammation in cystic fibrosis
children and adolescents compared to a control group.
Similar conclusions were reached by another review, which
found that individuals with diabetes who followed a low GI diet had lower
levels of interleukin-6, a sign of inflammation, than those who followed a high
GI diet.
ALSO READ: 6 Best Anti-inflammatory Cooking Oils to Fight Inflammation
All processed foods with added sugar or flour, including
candies, bread, pasta, pastries, some cereals, cookies, cakes, and sugary soft
drinks, contain refined carbs.
Unprocessed carbohydrates with a high fiber content are
nourishing, whereas refined carbohydrates increase blood sugar levels and
encourage inflammation, which may be a factor in the disease.
Excessive alcohol use
Alcohol drinking in moderation may have some positive
effects on health.
Higher levels, though, can cause serious issues.
A 2010 study found that alcohol consumption was associated
with higher levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a sign of inflammation. CRP
levels were highest in people who had more than two beers per day.
Heavy drinkers may experience issues when bacterial toxins
leave the intestines and enter the body. This disorder, often known as
"leaky gut," can cause widespread inflammation and organ damage.
A maximum of two standard drinks per day for men and one for
women should be consumed to prevent alcohol-related health issues.
A "leaky gut" that spreads inflammation throughout
your body can result from drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, which can
promote inflammation.
Using high heat to fry the meat
Consuming processed meats like bacon, sausage, ham, and
smoked meat that has been cooked at high temperatures is linked to an
increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and several cancers.
In addition to these, there are other high-heat cooking
techniques including grilling, barbecuing, roasting, frying, toasting, and
AGEs, which are inflammatory substances, are formed when
meats are cooked at high temperatures.
AGEs are suspected of being a factor in the development of
chronic diseases such as metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart
disease in addition to increasing inflammation.
It's interesting to note that cutting the number of AGEs in
half can be achieved by marinating meats in acidic liquids like lemon juice or
vinegar before grilling or roasting.
ALSO READ: A 3-Day Meal
Plan to Help Your Thyroid & Hormone Balance
Cooking meats for shorter lengths of time and choosing moist
heat cooking techniques, such as boiling, steaming, poaching, or stewing, are
additional ways to reduce the development of AGEs.
High levels of AGEs, which have been connected to
inflammation and chronic disease, can be found in meats cooked at high
temperatures, including processed meats.
Many variables, some of which are difficult to avoid, such
as pollution, injury, or illness, can cause inflammation.
But things like your diet are far more in your hands.
Reduce your intake of foods that cause inflammation and
consume anti-inflammatory foods to maintain your health as much as feasible.
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- Inflammatory foods
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Inflammatory bowel disease symptoms
- Chronic inflammatory response syndrome
- Inflammatory disease
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