Women health

What’s wrong with eating pork?

With over 38% of all meat produced in the globe going to pork, it is the most popular meat consumed globally. East and Southeast Asia, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, North America, South America, and Oceania are the regions where it is most common.

If you know anything about the Bible, you surely recall that God gave His people specific instructions not to eat pork and shellfish. Many people are shocked to learn that God forewarned us in the Old Testament that the pig was an unclean animal. Why? Because the pig is not intended for human consumption and is a scavenger.

Pigs are, regardless of your perspective, quite filthy animals. Animals frequently consume practically anything they can find and are regarded as the farm's rubbish and waste eliminators. This extends to their own feces, the dead carcasses of sick animals, especially their own young, as well as bugs, insects, and whatever leftover bits they discover lying around. One farmer at least left to feed his pigs and never came back. He truly became the pig's food that morning in 2012.

Simply understanding a pig's diet can help us understand why its flesh can often be so unclean, or at the very least, less than palatable. And while being "grossed out" could or might not be a good excuse to avoid eating something, it's important to learn more about pork before making your own judgment. Let's discuss this well-liked yet rather dubious protein source.

1. Bacteria-Infected Bacon and Dangerous Ham

When pigs are transported to the slaughterhouse, 70% of them already have pneumonia due to extreme crowding, inadequate ventilation, and filth in factory farms. Pigs are routinely fed antibiotics that we use to treat human ailments in order to keep them alive in circumstances that would otherwise kill them and to encourage abnormally rapid growth. The emergence of "super-bacteria," or bacterial strains resistant to antibiotics, is a result of the abuse of antibiotics. It's possible that the ham, bacon, and sausage you're eating will render the medications your doctor recommends the next time you become sick utterly worthless.

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2. The Pig's Hard Digestive System

There are several reasons why pig meat accumulates more toxins than the meat of many of its farm animal counterparts. The first justification has to do with a pig's digestive system. Pigs digest their food rather quickly, up to four hours. A cow, on the other hand, needs at least 24 hours to fully digest its meal.

Animals (including humans) eliminate extra poisons and other potentially harmful food ingredients throughout the digestive process. Since the pig's digestive system functions very simply, many of these poisons remain in the animal's body and are then stored in its abundant fatty tissues for later consumption.

The fact that the pig can hardly sweat at all and has a very low number of functional sweat glands is another problem. (3) The body employs sweat glands to get rid of toxins.

the body of the pig was toxic. All of these toxins that the pig wasn't able to get rid of end up in you when you eat pork. We don't need any additional pollutants in our bodies.

In actuality, we ought to all take reasonable steps to reduce and eliminate toxicity exposure. Making wise food choices is one essential method to achieve this, and for me, that absolutely entails abstaining entirely from all forms of pork products.

3. Higher Cancer Risk

The World Health Organization claims that processed meats like sausage, bacon, and ham cause cancer. Processed beef is indeed categorized as a carcinogen—something that causes cancer—by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The risk of colon cancer is significantly increased by 18 percent when you consume 50 grams of processed beef every day, according to research.

The term "processed meat" refers to foods like ham, bacon, sausage, hot dogs, and some deli meats. Observing a pattern there? Most of those are food items made with pork. 50 grams equals how much-processed meat? That equates to around four bacon strips. Perhaps you believe that you only consume two pieces of bacon on a regular basis. This study indicates that would likely result in an increase in cancer risk of 9%.

sadly, people who follow certain diets, such as the ketogenic diet, the Paleo diet, and the Atkins diet, frequently eat pig and processed meat. In its place, they ought to use leaner meats like beef, lamb, bison, or chicken.

4. Trichinosis Risks

Did you know that pigs contain a range of parasites in both their body and their meat? Even after boiling, some of these parasites are challenging to eliminate. This explains why there are so many cautionary statements about eating undercooked pigs. Trichinosis or trichinellosis is one of the greatest issues with consuming swine meat. Humans can contract this virus by eating pork that has been undercooked or not cooked at all and that has been contaminated with trichinella worm larvae. (7) Some nations and tribes really eat raw pig.

Pork frequently contains this worm parasite. The larvae of the worm, which are typically found in cysts in the stomach, are released into the pig's body when the worm opens due to stomach acids. These young worms establish residences in the pig's muscles. Where are we going next? The unaware human body ingests this contaminated beef tissue.

These worms can harm humans in a manner similar to how they harm pigs. You also consume trichinella larvae enclosed in a cyst if you consume raw or undercooked pork that is infected with the parasite. The cyst is broken up by your digestive processes, but doing so merely lets the parasite into your body.

Once inside your small intestine, the larvae develop into adult worms and reproduce. Symptoms of trichinosis at this stage include nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, diarrhea, and abdominal discomfort.

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Sadly, things don't stop there. The adult female worms that are currently within your body begin to develop larvae around a week after you consume the infected pork. These larvae eventually burrow into a muscle or other tissue. Trichinosis signs and symptoms after this tissue invasion include:

  • Headache
  • High fever
  • Overall weakness
  • Discomfort and tenderness in the muscles
  • Conjunctivitis, often known as pink eye
  • Light sensitivity
  • Swelling of the skin around the mouth or eyelids

Furthermore, trichinosis is a serious condition that you should take every precaution to avoid even though no one really likes to eat worms. One to two days after infection, abdominal symptoms can appear, whereas secondary symptoms typically appear two to eight weeks later. The Mayo Clinic reports that the severity of symptoms often varies depending on how many larvae were eaten with the contaminated meat.

5.  Health danger

Consuming pork products, which are high in artery-clogging cholesterol and saturated fat, is an assured way to increase your risk of contracting conditions like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's.

6. Pigs are emotional

Ninety-seven percent of pigs reared in the United States today are in industrial farms, where they will never run around expansive meadows, enjoy the sun, breathe fresh air, or engage in any other behavior that comes naturally to them. Animals are kept on a regular diet of medications to keep them alive and help them grow more quickly while being crammed into warehouses with nothing to do and nowhere to move. However, pharmaceuticals cause many of the animals to become paralyzed under their own weight.

7. Pigs are gameplay

Do you really believe you can beat a pig at Playstation games? You might be taken aback. Pigs are significantly more intelligent than dogs, and they even outperform some primates at video games, according to studies. Pigs are in reality incredibly intelligent creatures with outstanding memory skills and complex social networks. Pigs can be compared to dogs when eaten. The actor Cameron Diaz said, after learning that pigs had the mental capacity of a 3-year-old human, "[Eating bacon is] like eating my niece!"

8. Pigs prefer mud rather than the crud

In reality, pigs are incredibly hygienic creatures. Pigs are careful not to pollute the spaces where they sleep or feed if they are allowed enough room. Furthermore, pigs cannot even sweat, so forget the ridiculous expression "sweating like a pig"! To stay cool, they take baths in water or dirt. But in factory farms, they are made to live among other dead pigs and even in their own vomit and feces. Think of your worst case of poison ivy and picture having to live with it for the rest of your life. That's how bad the conditions are when more than a quarter of pigs have managed at any given moment.

9. Farmer's Household Values

Pigs and their offspring suffer unimaginable suffering in factory farms. Mother pigs spend the majority of their lives in cramped "gestation" boxes, which are so small that the animals are unable to turn around or even lie down comfortably. They are repeatedly conceived until they are killed. After just a few weeks, piglets are taken from their distressed mothers and subjected to painful procedures including having their tails cut off, having their teeth clipped out with pliers, and having the males castrated.

10. Hell riding Wheels

Each year, more than 170,000 pigs are killed during transport, and by the time they reach the slaughterhouse, more than 420,000 of them are crippled. Transport vehicles frequently overturn, sending injured and dead animals onto the road as they transport pigs hundreds of miles through all kinds of weather conditions without food or water. Rarely are these scared and hurt animals given veterinary attention, and the majority of them suffer in agony for hours, some even dying on the side of the road from bleeding to death. Jerry Hostetter, a spokesperson for Smithfield, said to a reporter after an accident in April 2005, "I hate to admit it, yet it occurs all the time."

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Fecal waste from a 5,000-animal pig farm equals that of a 50,000-person city. In 1995, 25 million gallons of foul hog waste leaked into a river in North Carolina, killing 10 to 14 million fish in an instant. Factory farms routinely transform the massive amounts of urine and excrement stored in cesspools into liquid waste that is sprayed into the air to avoid regulations limiting water pollution. The adjacent residents breathe in this manure-filled mist that is swept away by the wind.

11. Executing them brutally

It is difficult to offer pigs a humane, painless death in a conventional slaughterhouse because up to 1,100 pigs are killed there every hour. In one processing facility, where inspectors discovered hogs "walking and squealing after being stunned [with a stun gun] as many as four times," the U.S. Department of Agriculture recorded 14 violations of humane slaughter. Many pigs are still alive when they are thrown into scalding-hot hair-removal tanks because of faulty stunning techniques and extremely quick line speeds; they practically drown in scalding-hot water.

Be mindful of your health as you learn more.

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  1. Is pork meat healthy?
  2. Disadvantages of pork meat
  3. Pork meat and cholesterol
  4. Pork meat bacteria
  5. About pork meat in the bible




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