Women health

 What causes high blood pressure?


It might be shocking to discover that one in three adults has excessive blood pressure? Most people would, and it is because of this surprise that high blood pressure is known as the "silent killer."

Several people don't do enough to prevent heart disease or are genetically predisposed to it, so they must work even more to avoid it. Many people believe that eating healthily and exercising regularly is enough to prevent heart disease. One reason why high blood pressure has a bad name is because of how shockingly common it is. You should be aware of the following four additional causes.

1. Blood pressure sometimes increases without warning symptoms

Many individuals believe they can always tell when their blood pressure is too high, which is a major fallacy. Sweating, headaches or flushing may come to mind when you think of a cartoon character that becomes so upset that the blood vessels in their brow bulge and turn red. Actually, things are considerably more nuanced. Persistent, harmful pressure on your heart, blood vessels, and every aspect of your body, high blood pressure is not just a fleeting sensation. Seeing Gurprit Sekhon, MD, to learn more about your heart health is strongly advised if you're exhibiting any of these symptoms, but be aware that you could have high blood pressure without exhibiting any symptoms at all.

2. It follows someone throughout their lifetime

With so many ways that modern technology has streamlined our lives, we now live in a culture where moving around for work, leisure, and daily activities is minimal. Children's high blood pressure rates are on the rise, and many spend hours each day sitting at desks, in buses, or in front of screens.

Furthermore, because what a person ate as a child seemed "normal," even if it was harmful, it is common for that person to carry those eating patterns into adulthood. By the time a person reaches the slightly earlier age of 30, a lot of harm has already been done. This is made worse by lifestyle behaviors like poor managing stress, smoking, or heavy drinking.

3. It causes permanent harm even before a diagnosis is made

When you have high blood pressure, the heart has to work harder with each pump to provide oxygen and nutrients to the different cells in your body, which causes nutrient deprivation in your organs. Such organs gradually deteriorate and eventually stop functioning altogether. Yet, organs typically don't voice complaints until they are nearing the end of their lives. Individuals who don't receive an early diagnosis frequently learn too late that they've permanently harmed organs like one of those:

  1. Liver
  2. Kidneys
  3. Eyes
  4. Heart
  5. Internal ear

4. It is the most common cause of death.

As it gradually hardens the arteries, high blood pressure overworks your heart, increasing your risk of sudden cardiac arrest and stroke. While your vessels are working harder to convey blood than usual, they frequently enlarge into what is known as an aneurysm. This makes it even harder for blood to go where it needs to. This enlarged vessel has weak walls and is likely to rupture at some point, causing even more damage to your body. Any of these will result in a medical emergency and perhaps even death. High blood pressure is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States due to these issues. Every year, more than 600,000 people pass away.


Be aware of your numbers and follow accordingly.

A physician should check your blood pressure once a year if you are 40 years of age or older, or if you have risk factors if you are younger. Younger individuals without risk factors should be examined at least every two years.

Speak with your doctor if you have high blood pressure; they may suggest making lifestyle adjustments or taking medication to lower it.

At least 120/80 should be the blood pressure. If it's continuously higher, lifestyle adjustments, medication, or a combination of both can typically bring it down to a healthy level.


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