Women health

 Infections That Cause Hair Loss

Hair loss can be caused by a variety of infections and infections-related diseases. HERE IS A LIST OF SOME POPULAR ONES.


Unexpectedly, ringworm is a fungal infection that can affect any part of the body and has nothing to do with worms. Doctors refer to it as "tinea capitis" if it appears on the scalp and has the potential to cause patches of hair loss. A similar fungus illness that can also affect the nails is ringworm, which is the same as an athlete's foot.

Ringworm typically starts as a tiny pimple on the scalp that grows larger over time, causing scaly patches of permanent baldness. Infected skin develops a bald patch of skin because the fungus infects the hair fibers, causing them to become brittle and break off readily. With scaly patches that may blister and ooze, affected areas are frequently scratchy, red, and irritated. With a more natural skin tone in the center, the patches are typically redder on the periphery. Thus, the ringworm gets its name. This may give the impression of a ring.

However, ringworm is spread by infected animals, and cats in particular are known to be carriers. Ringworm spreads easily. By having direct skin-to-skin contact, it can be transferred from one person to another. Additionally, ringworm can be contracted by coming into contact with contaminated objects including combs, dirty clothing, as well as shower or pool surfaces.

Recently, several of the fungi that cause tinea capitis have demonstrated some antibiotic resistance, necessitating greater doses and lengthier treatment regimens. Newer anti-fungal medications including terbinafine, itraconazole, and fluconazole can be administered as substitutes for griseofulvin.


Hair follicle irritation is referred to as folliculitis. Little rings of irritation around the hair follicle opening give it the appearance of acne. The hair fiber may still be present in the folliculitis' early stages, but as it worsens, the hair frequently falls off. In cases of severe folliculitis, the inflammation can irreparably damage the hair follicles, leaving behind small patches of baldness.

There really are non-infectious types of folliculitis as well, like those brought on by skin-applied oils and greases that block hair follicles, although bacterial infections are typically the cause of folliculitis. Staphylococcus aureus infections of the hair follicles are particularly typical. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which thrives in water that hasn't been properly chlorinated, is what causes "hot tub folliculitis."

You can treat small folliculitis with over-the-counter topical antibiotics such as bacitracin, bacitracin, or neomycin. Oral antibiotics like erythromycin may be used to treat more severe illnesses.

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When a fungus infects the hair fibers, it causes piedra (trichomycosis nodularis). The appearance of hard nodules on hair strands is a noticeable sign of a piedra infection. Yes, "piedra" is the Spanish word for stone. The ascostroma, or fruiting body of the fungus from which the spores are discharged, and hyphae are condensed to form nodules.

Scalp, torso, and genital hair can all be affected by piedra infection. In most cases, the infection is mild. Black piedra nodules are prized in some regions of Malaysia, and historically, women sat with their hair buried in the ground while they slept to promote their growth. But in cases of severe infection, the fungus weakens the hair strand, making it simple for it to fall out. Diffuse, patchy hair loss may be the outcome.

The most common form of treatment is shaving the afflicted areas. Additionally, antifungals like terbinafine and ketoconazole are employed.

Demodex fulicolous

Many people think that getting rid of Demodex folliculorum will promote hair development because it causes hair loss. However, the organism doesn't result in hair loss.

Demodex is a tiny, worm-like organism that prefers to reside in hair follicles and on the skin. It prefers to reside in hair follicles because they contain a lot of oils and dead skin, which is what it feeds on.

Demodex is not present on the skin at birth in humans, although it may become present during childhood through interaction with other people. Most of the time, they go unnoticed by us. These tiny critters are harmless, if disgusting. Demodex is most frequently problematic because it can irritate the eyes, especially the eyelashes. Demodex may be to blame if you have scratchy eyelashes.

Demodex's power over you, though, ends here. No hair falls as a result.

Dermatitis seborrheica

Seborrheic dermatitis is mostly a skin ailment, but if it affects the scalp or other skin areas, it may also cause an infection and brief hair loss. Dermatitis results in itchy, uncomfortable skin that is scaly, occasionally greasy, and irritated.

Even though there appears to be a hereditary component to this inflammatory disorder and Caucasians, particularly those with Celtic ancestry, are most susceptible, it is not well understood. Maternal androgens are transferred from the mother to the infant through the placenta in some cases, causing seborrheic dermatitis in the newborn. Seborrheic dermatitis can also be brought on by illnesses like Parkinson's disease, a brain injury, or a stroke. Stress and chronic exhaustion can further exacerbate the condition. The onset can be triggered by periods of hormone volatility, such as during puberty.

Despite the possibility of yeast overgrowth in seborrheic dermatitis, the condition is not contagious and cannot be acquired. When yeast is present in seborrheic dermatitis, it comes from the skin of the person who has the condition. We all have different types of yeasts living on our skin; the issue with seborrheic dermatitis is that these yeasts may multiply much more than usual.


Seborrheic dermatitis is treatable in many ways. The easiest method involves using medicated anti-dandruff shampoos to reduce skin scaliness and proliferation. It may be advised to use a variety of shampoos, each with a different recommended activity, on alternate days.

Selenium disulfide, zinc pyrithione, tar, salicylic acid, and oil of cade are all possible ingredients in shampoos for seborrheic dermatitis. Since a long time ago, these shampoos have indeed been accessible. Azole-based shampoos, including ketoconazole (marketed under the brand name Nizoral), have become more readily available over the counter. Treatment for seborrheic dermatitis can be accomplished with any.


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