Women health

Lower back pain made worse by sitting

Sitting inappropriately, getting hurt, or having a medical condition could be the source of lower back pain.

In the United States, back discomfort is among the most typical medical conditions. Back discomfort affects almost 1 in 4 adults in the nation on at least one day every three months.

The causes, remedies, and prevention of lower back discomfort while sitting are discussed in this article.

What sensation do you have?

Back pain can be acute, in which case it appears abruptly and lasts for a few days or weeks on average. Or the discomfort could be chronic and last for more than a month.

Lower back pain can be mild and persistent or abrupt and intense.

The causes

The optimal course of action for treatment relies on the underlying cause of lower back pain, which can be brought on by a variety of circumstances.

The course of treatment may involve surgery, physical therapy, improved exercise habits, over-the-counter painkillers, or a combine of these.


Lower back discomfort can be aggravated or caused by poor posture. A person can alter their sitting or standing position to improve their posture. The discomfort is frequently reduced or eased by it.


When lifting anything inappropriately, a person may get a strain or sprain to their lower back.

As an alternative, trauma from a car accident or from playing sports could cause the injury.


The sciatic nerve, which passes through the buttocks and goes down the back of the leg, is compressed by anything, and this can result in sciatica, which can cause pain all through the affected area.

The discomfort could be a mild aching or could be severe and feel like an electric shock.

The disk herniates

When a disk in the spine protrudes and irritates a spinal nerve, it is referred to as having herniated. The spine's disks are all susceptible to injury.

Physical therapy and medicines are frequently used to treat this illness.

Lumbar disk dysfunction

Debilitating disk disease, sometimes referred to as lumbar disk disease, is not a true illness. It typically happens as people age.

It happens when the disks in the spinal column between both the vertebrae deteriorate.

Methods for providing care at home

Lower back pain that occurs while seated may not require medical attention.

A person can frequently take action at home to numb the pain and prevent it from reoccurring. Some tactics consist of:

Exercise routine

Although it may be alluring to stay in bed as much as allowed, the medical community advises staying active to relieve lower back discomfort.

However, try to avoid taking on too much at once. Instead, consider combining physical therapy or one of the exercises listed below with other at-home remedies.

Using both hot and cold

Using heat and cold in succession can frequently reduce lower back pain.

Utilizing a hot water bottle or taking a hot bath could help ease the discomfort. Heat can aid in the healing of the back's muscles and tissues by increasing blood flow to the area.

A cloth should first be wrapped around any ice packs or frozen vegetable bags before applying them to the area to relieve discomfort.

Sprays that heat or chill the area are also sold over-the-counter and can stimulate the local nerves.

using narcotics to reduce discomfort

NSAIDs, often known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, can reduce lower back discomfort. Many are accessible over-the-counter, including ibuprofen.

These drugs often need to be taken orally, although they are also available as lotions, gels, patches, and sprays.

Strengthening and extending

Stretching and exercises can assist to strengthen the lower back and stop the pain before it starts.

Exercises that concentrate on the core, or abdominal, muscles may hasten the rehabilitation process from persistent lower back discomfort.

Additional forms of exercise that could be helpful include yoga, which can help with pain in the neck and lower back as well as:

  1. swimming
  2. walking
  3. Pilates

Among the stretches that can help with lower back discomfort are:

Lunge deeply: Put the other foot in front and bend one knee. Lean forward and raise the back knee. For five seconds, keep the position.

A back stretch: Lie on your stomach and lift your upper body off the ground with the help of your arms. Before allowing the back to relax, hold the position for 30 seconds.

Strengthening the sagittal core: Then, while keeping the hips and knees bent, reach thru the legs to touch the wall while standing 3 feet away from the wall with your feet shoulder-width apart. To stand up, lift the body up with the hips. Then, extend your arms and reach over your head and slightly behind you.

Additionally advantageous are visits to an osteopath, chiropractor, or physical therapist. To ease lower back discomfort, these treatments combine stretches and exercises.


Obese and smokers are more likely to experience lower back pain.

Additionally, those who tend to be inactive yet sometimes engage in severe exercise are more prone to experience lower back pain.

The best seated posture

Rather to slouching, the Department of Health and Human Services advises sitting up straight, with the back against by the chair's back as well as the feet flat on the floor.

Additionally, they advise sitting with the knees slightly higher than the hips.


A healthcare professional will interview the patient about their medical history and do a physical examination to identify the source of their back discomfort.

Additional testing are typically not required if the pain is severe, unless it is the consequence of an accident.

Depending on the underlying cause, surgery may be an option for treating persistent pain.

When to visit a doctor

If lower back pain is severe, persistent, or does not get better with stretches, exercises, as well as other home remedies, seek medical help.

Additionally, if the pain is brought on by an injury, see a doctor.


One of the most typical reasons people see doctors or take off from work is back pain.

Although school-aged children may encounter it, the issue often arises and gets worse with age.

One can take precautions to avoid back pain, such as correcting their posture. A variety of treatment methods, such as stretches & exercises, can frequently be helpful when the pain first appears.

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