Symptoms of holding urine too long
It's common for people to occasionally suppress the urge to
urinate, whether it's because of a stressful day at work or a thrilling movie.
However, holding urine on a daily basis might cause issues and is not advised.
Part of the urinary system, the urinary bladder is a hollow,
pear-shaped structure. Urine is stored in the bladder until a person has to go
to the bathroom.
A healthy adult's bladder can hold roughly 16 ounces, or
about 2 cups, of fluids, while a child's bladder can hold even less. More can
fit in the bladder, but doing so too frequently can be harmful. Regularly
delaying going to the bathroom is not advised.
Therefore in article, we examine the potential consequences
of holding in urination too often or for too long.
In a healthy person, holding in urine on sometimes won't be problematic, but if it becomes a habit, there might be some negative repercussions.
The brain receives a signal that it is time to urinate when
the bladder is about halfway full of liquid. The bladder is instructed to hold
on by the brain, which also generates the urge to urinate.
Urine must occasionally be kept within. It can be challenging to find a restroom, or someone might be working on bladder retraining exercises.
Regarding when and how to hold in urination, there are no
strict guidelines. Side effects could affect some persons more than others.
Here are five bad effects of holding in Urination:
1. Pain
People who resist the need to urinate on a regular basis may
experience pain or discomfort in the bladder or kidneys. Urination may pain
when a person does finally make it to the restroom.
Pelvic cramps might result from the muscles continuing to be
partially tightened after the pee has been released.
Urinary tract disease
Sometimes holding urine in too long can lead to the growth
of bacteria. This could result in a urethritis (UTI).
In particular, if a person has a history of recurrent UTIs,
many doctors advise against holding in urine for prolonged periods of time
since it can raise the risk of UTIs.
Because the bladder is not alerting the body to urinate
frequently enough when a person is dehydrated, they may be more susceptible to
have a UTI. This may lead to an infection by allowing bacteria to move
throughout the urinary tract.
UTI symptoms can include:
- The sensation of burning or stinging while urinating
- Lower abdominal or pelvic pain
- An ongoing desire to go to the bathroom
- Urine that smells strongly or poorly
- Urine with a hazy, odd color
- Regularly having dark urine
- Dark urine
Bladder enlargement
Regularly holding back urine can eventually cause the
bladder to expand. The bladder's ability to contract and release urine
regularly may become challenging or impossible as a result.
Additional measures, such as a catheter, may be required if
a person's bladder is strained.
Pelvic floor muscles are harmed.
The pelvic floor muscles may get damaged if you hold urine
The urethral sphincter, which holds the urethra closed to
stop urine leakage, is one of these muscles. Incontinence may result from
injury to this muscle.
Kegels and other pelvic floor exercises can assist to build
up these muscles, restore muscular loss, and stop leaking.
Kidney stones
People who have a history of kidney stones or those whose
urine contains a lot of minerals may develop kidney stones as a result of
holding in their urine. Minerals like uric acid and calcium oxalate are
frequently found in urine.
Can the
bladder contain a lot of urine?
Each person may have a somewhat different bladder capacity.
The amount of urine that a healthy bladder can contain
throughout the day is estimated to be between 1.5 and 2 cups, or 300 and 400
milliliters (ml). The bladder may be able to hold up to 4 cups, or 800 ml, more
during the night.
Due to their maturing bodies, children have smaller
bladders. Using the formula (age + 2) x 30 ml, one may be able to estimate a
child's bladder volume.
For instance, using this calculation, a 10-year-old child's
bladder would hold about 360 ml.
Additionally, a healthy bladder may be able to expand out
and hold bigger amounts of urine. On the other hand, it is advised for someone
to urinate frequently.
the bladder swell up?
Many people think that holding one's bladder for too long
will cause it to rupture.
Although a spontaneous urinary bladder rupture is
conceivable, it frequently results from another factor, such as an obstruction
that prevents the bladder from emptying. Most of the time, the bladder will
simply override the muscles keeping the urine in, leading to an accident.
But, strikes or things piercing the bladder are more likely
to cause injury.
The risk of serious complications from a spontaneous urinary
bladder rupture should not be underestimated.
conditions' effects
Urinary retention can be caused by a few pre-existing
medical disorders. Similar problems might result from this automatic behavior,
which typically goes unrecognized.
Urination may be obstructed or made to be retained by an
enlarged prostate, weak bladder muscles, or injury to the nerves in the urinary
In order to avoid potential difficulties, those who have
kidney diseases may also want to avoid holding in their urination.
How to
get your body to urinate less frequently
In some circumstances, medical professionals could advise
retraining the bladder to urinate less frequently. To do this, you must fight
the need to urinate.
The idea is to make the bladder able to hold more liquid
before making you feel the urge to urinate. If successful, this will increase
the amount of time between potty visits.
A doctor will frequently create a customized retraining
timetable and will usually supervise the instruction.
A person can ease into the retraining process with the help
of the following advice:
- Staying warm will prevent the urge to urinate from occurring.
- as a diversion, listening to music or watching television
- Reading a book or newspaper article while actively using the brain to solve a game, puzzle, or other challenge
- whatever stops the urge—remaining seated or getting up and moving around
- sending an email or making a phone call
The secret is to use the brain and shift focus from the urge
to urinate.
How to
get to the bathroom quickly
Even while it's ideal to urinate whenever one's bladder is
full, this may not always be possible.
One can make it to the bathroom on time by using the
following advice:
while crossing one's legs: By compressing the urethra, this could
avert a crisis.
The bladder may be under additional pressure due to a buildup of gas.
Pee as
soon as you wake up: Rushing out the door may cause some to forgo a
trip to the restroom, but it's crucial to start the day's cycle of urination
frequent bathroom breaks: It could be a good idea to plan restroom
breaks every two to three hours. Whether or not the bladder is signaling, set
an alarm and go to the restroom. By doing so, you can reduce stress and avert
wait till an emergency to act: Make a point of going to the
restroom as soon as the urge to urinate strikes, no matter the deadline or how
hectic the day is.
to take away
Holding pee in occasionally probably won't harm you.
However, doing so frequently can raise the danger of infection or other
Possessing wholesome and regular restroom routines may be
beneficial. Anyone who thinks they are urinating excessively or frequently
should see a doctor.
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