How to reduce fever in babies naturally
You must check your baby's temperature to find out if they
have a fever if they awaken in the middle of the night crying and feeling hot.
Your child could experience a fever for a variety of causes.
Fever itself is not harmful, but the underlying reason
occasionally is. Older children are less likely than young newborns to have a
fever that needs to be treated.
Any fever in newborns should indeed be treated by a doctor
right away, especially if the child is under three months old.
If no other worrying symptoms appear, infants 3 months of
age and older with low-grade fevers can be properly cared for at home. An
examination by a physician is recommended for infants who have high or
recurring fevers.
How to
identify a fever
Around 98.6°F (37°C) is considered the norm for temperature.
From sunrise to night, this temperature may slightly change. In general, your
body temperature is lower when you first wake up and higher in the afternoon
and evening.
The underlying cause of a fever in a baby under three months
old must be determined immediately in order to treat it if necessary.
If an infant's temperature is over, it is deemed to be
- When given rectally, 100.4°F (38°C) or higher
- When taken using alternative methods, 99°F (37.2°C) or higher
For infants older than 3 months, low-grade fevers don't
usually necessitate a trip to the doctor.
How to
reduce a fever
A newborn who is older than three months old may not need
to visit the doctor if their fever is only slightly high. The following
techniques may help you cure your fever at home:
A safe dose of children's acetaminophen can be given to a
youngster who is older than three months old (Tylenol).
Doses are often determined by weight. If you haven't weighed
your baby recently or if they've recently experienced a growth spurt, your
doctor may advise doing so.
You might not need to give your infant any medication if
they are not uncomfortable or irritable due to their temperature. Medication
can make your infant momentarily feel better for higher fevers or other
symptoms that are making them uncomfortable.
Adjust their clothes
Use simply a sheet or thin blanket to keep your baby warm
and comfortable. Dress them in light clothing.
Your baby's body's natural cooling mechanisms could be
hampered if you overdress them.
3. Reduce the house temperature
Cool down your house and the space where your baby sleeps.
They may not become too hot as a result of this.
Bathe them in warm water
Consider wiping your child down with warm water. (The water
should feel warm to the touch on the inside of your arm, but not hot.) To
ensure bather safety, maintain regular supervision.
Use warm water instead than cold since cold water can cause
shivering, which could raise their temperature. After bathing your kid, dry
them off immediately and outfit them in airy clothing.
Alcohol baths or wipes are not advised and are potentially
dangerous for lowering fevers.
Administer fluids
Fever can have complications, one of which is dehydration.
Make sure your infant has regular wet diapers, a moist mouth, and tears when
crying. Provide regular fluids (breast milk or formula).
If this worries you, make a call to your doctor's office to
talk about how to keep your child hydrated.
Tips to
When your baby has a fever, avoid doing the following
- Avoid delaying medical care for a baby with any type of fever, an infant with a high temperature, or someone who appears to be very ill.
- Without first taking your baby's temperature and seeking advice from your doctor's office, never give your infant medication.
- Use only medications that are meant for children.
- Your baby shouldn't be overdressed.
- To lower your baby's fever, avoid using ice or rubbing alcohol.
How to
test a child's temperature
Use a digital multipurpose thermometer vertically for the
most accurate reading. You should be aware that a rectal temperature will be
higher than temperatures obtained in other ways.
How to rectally take your baby's temperature is as follows:
- Set the measurements to either Fahrenheit or Celsius after reading the manufacturer's instructions (in order to report the temperature correctly).
- Make use of soap or rubbing alcohol to clean the thermometer.
- Put some petroleum jelly or another secure lubricant on the thermometer's tip.
- Your baby's bottom should be free from any coverings or diapers.
- Lay your child down on their stomach on a secure and cozy
- flat surface, such as a bed or changing table, or in your lap.
- While you take your baby's temperature, hold them gently in place. To prevent the thermometer from penetrating your baby's rectum deeper, keep them still and restrained during the procedure. It is best to have assistance holding the baby still to prevent harm.
- When the thermometer beeps, only a half-inch to an inch should be inserted into your infant's rectum. The safe limit for rectal insertion is indicated by a visible notch or safety guide on the majority of thermometers.
- Carefully remove the thermometer and take a reading.
- If you utilize other tools in accordance with their directions, they might give you reliable temperature readings for your baby.
- For newborns under three months old, temporal artery thermometers may not be accurate because they take the temperature from the forehead. This age range of newborns should have their rectal temperatures taken.
- Only infants 6 months of age and older should use tympanic thermometers, which take the temperature from the baby's ear.
- Other recommendations for taking your baby's temperature are as follows:
- To minimize confusion, identify your digital multiuse thermometer specifically for rectal use.
Take your baby's temperature without using the oral or
underarm methods. These aren't thought to be reliable for babies and young
If you touch your baby's forehead and feel warmth, don't
assume they have a fever. To determine fever, you need an accurate digital
thermometer reading.
Mercury-filled thermometers should not be used. If they
break, there is a chance of exposure to mercury.
When to
seek support
In order to decide whether you should call your doctor, be careful to keep an eye on your baby's temperature throughout an illness and look out for other symptoms and behaviors.
In the following situations, you ought to consult a doctor
or get treatment:
- if your baby under three months old experiences any temperature changes
- 102°F (38.9°C) or greater rectal temperature in your kid who is between three and six months old
- Your child, who is between the ages of six and 24 months, has a fever that lasts longer than a day or two and is otherwise symptom-free.
- individuals frequently experience or have a fever that has lasted more than 24 hours.
- They exhibit irritability (fussiness) or lethargy (weak or more sleepy than usual)
- After taking the prescribed amount of medication, if your baby's temperature doesn't go down within an hour or so, call your doctor.
- they exhibit additional signs such as rash, irregular eating, or vomiting.
- They lack moisture (not producing tears, spit, or the usual amount of wet diapers)
Why do
kids have fevers?
Typically, fevers are a sign of a more serious medical
There are a variety of causes for your baby's fever,
- Viral infection
- Bacterial infection
- Certain vaccinations
- Another medical illness
Children's ear infections and respiratory conditions like
colds are frequent causes of fevers.
teething result in fevers?
Fever is not thought to be brought on by teething. Your
teething baby's fever could be brought on by an underlying illness.
What to
According to the child's age and the symptoms present in
addition to the fever, treating an infant's fever will differ.
When they get a fever, older infants can usually be treated
at home, but newborns must be seen by a doctor right away.
If your baby experiences a high fever or if the fever lasts
longer than a few days, consult a doctor right away before administering any
medication to your youngster.
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