Signs of a strong immune system
Things happen. When you nick your skin, germs enter. Or you
rub your eyes, not knowing that the doorknob you touched was infected with a
cold virus. Or perhaps you ate something that's not cooked or cleaned as thoroughly
as it should have been.
And with that, you have an uninvited visitor in your body.
Our immune system responds like a serious bouncer. It causes
white blood cells and other substances to be released, which destroy these
threats. Or it induces a reflex, such as a sneeze, to expel a virus from your
It was an elite team of agents who zap intruders like germs,
viruses, and fungi as soon as they appear. They fly through your body,
defending you.
blood cells to the rescue of the immune system
Germs are constantly looking for new methods to sneak under
your skin. They may enter through a cut, ride on something you ate, filter
through the air, or wait for you to touch a coin before rubbing your eyes.
When inside, they begin to reproduce. You're infected, and it's making you sick.
The immune system should be aware of the situation. It reads
the "fingerprint" of proteins on the surface of cells to distinguish
between your own cells and those that shouldn't be there.
These white blood cells seek to eliminate unwanted
They develop in your bone marrow. They have a short lifespan
(a few days to a few weeks), therefore your body is continually producing more.
There are various varieties, all with the same goal: to fight infection.
They are primed for service in a variety of locations
throughout your body, including your:
- Thymus
- Spleen
- Tonsils
- Blood vessels
- Lymph nodes
- Small intestine
- Adenoids
- Lymph Contributes Significantly
The lymphatic system functions as an internal highway,
transporting white blood cells throughout your body.
Once you're unwell, you may notice swollen lymph nodes
(small glands in your neck, groin, armpits, and beneath your chin). This is
typical. It indicates that your immune system has jumped into high gear to
combat illness.
Lymph nodes also are immune system filters. They capture and
destroy pathogens as well as dead or damaged cells.
How It
Works to Kill Germs
White blood cells bind to bacteria in order to absorb or
eliminate them. They create antibodies that bind to pathogens.
One's immune system becomes stronger as you gain experience.
When your body first comes into contact with a specific type of germ, your
immune reaction may be delayed. It may take many days to manufacture and employ
all of the germ-fighting components required to eliminate your sickness. It
requires a while to hack and destroy the germ's coding.
When you come across the same germ again, your body will
remember and fight it off more quickly, allowing you to recover from the
infection and feel better. The mission was completed!
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