Women health

 Why is my skin so dry and flaky?


Dry skin (xerosis cutis), as well as other medical diseases such as eczema and psoriasis, can trigger the skin on your face to peel. Peeling skin can be caused by cold air, hot showers, and variable humidity, especially during the winter. Exfoliative dermatitis refers to skin that peels over a significant area of your body.

Covering up peeling skin with cosmetics can exacerbate the problem and make the peeling worse. However, it can be tough to be patient while waiting for your skin to finish peeling. Continue reading to see what specialists prescribe for removing peeling skin from your face.

Orange peel skin on face treatment

Home remedies & medication can be used to treat peeling skin on your face. Most home remedies focus on prevention, although standard medications and facial treatments can sometimes restore dry, peeling skin.

Anyone may choose to employ home remedies in conjunction with a doctor's prescription.

Home remedies for dry skin on the face

When your skin is already peeling, try to avoid touching it as much as possible. While you may wish to conceal your peeling skin with cosmetics, chances are that layering cosmetics on top of your skin will not make the peeling less visible. Cosmetics might also dry out your skin, exacerbating the peeling:

  1. Use fragrance-free and gentle cleansers as well as soaps. Creating a soap lather on the surface of your skin dries it out.
  2. Avoid consuming that may cause your skin to dry out. Antibacterial soaps, deodorant soaps, and skin care products containing alcohol should be avoided, especially on your face.
  3. Following cleansing, your face, apply a moisturizer. Washing your face can add moisture to dry skin, but you'll need a moisturizer to lock it in.
  4. Whenever you touch your face, use soft clothes. Rougher towels might cause skin harm.
  5. Dermatologists advise taking shorter showers including using lukewarm to warm water instead than hot water. Shower steam can open your pores, but it could also dry out your skin.
  6. Carefully pat the skin on your face dry rather than rubbing it. This aids in the preservation of your skin's smoothness.
  7. Exfoliate your face to remove peeling skin, but do it correctly. Avoid using a cleanser containing alpha-hydroxy acids, alcohol, or perfume if your skin is peeling. Use a soft washcloth or shower mitt and tepid water to gently rub the skin on the face to loosen any flaking skin. Never peel your skin, especially if it is damp.
  8. Using a topical anti-inflammatory medication, such as aloe vera, to your skin may aid in its healing.

Treatment for acne medication

A dermatologist might treat peeling skin with a combination of medicine and therapies delivered in their office. If you have an underlying health problem that is causing the skin on your face to peel, you may need to start treatment or alter your existing treatment for that disease already when your symptoms improve. Treatments for flaking skin on your face include:

  1. Doxycycline and other acne medications (Oracea)
  2. chemical peels
  3. prescription corticosteroid creams

Dry flaky skin on the face causes

The most prevalent skin problem is dry skin, which could explain why your face is peeling. However, there are a number of additional disorders that might cause your face skin to peel. Users may be able to narrow down the cause of their symptoms by looking for additional symptoms.

These were some of the possible causes of peeling skin:

  1. Sunburns. Sun-damaged skin that is red, itchy, and inflammatory will flake off gradually, revealing fresh skin beneath.
  2. Medications. Certain drugs might cause skin peeling as a negative effect. Skin scaling and peeling can be caused by blood pressure drugs, penicillin, topical treatments, and seizure medications.
  3. Dermatitis seborrheic While this ailment most commonly affects the scalp, it can also affect the face and produce scaling, itching, redness, and peeling.
  4. Eczema is an autoimmune disorder characterized by red or brown scaly areas and peeling on the face.
  5. Psoriasis is a persistent skin disorder that causes white, scaly patches of skin to turn red and peel. Patches of psoriasis can be itchy and uncomfortable.
  6. Whenever your body does not create enough thyroid hormones, you have hypothyroidism, which can cause fatigue, weight gain, thinning hair, and even peeling skin.
  7. Rosacea is a chronic skin illness characterized by damaged blood vessels beneath the skin, swollen or red skin, and peeling skin on the face.
  8. Infections caused by Staph and fungi Headaches, weariness, and irritated skin at the location of the infection are all symptoms of these serious illnesses.
  9. Cosmetic or skin care product allergy Something you've applied to your faces, such as a new foundation or moisturizer, can block pores and produce swelling or hives. When your skin is inflamed, it may also dry out and shed, resulting in peeling skin on the face.
  10. Niacin deficiency, as well as vitamin A toxicity, are two dietary disorders that can cause peeling skin.
  11. Peeling skin syndrome is an uncommon health disease in which parts of your skin grow red and irritated before peeling off.

When should you see a doctor?

If you have a sunburn or even an allergic reaction on your face, the peeling should halt within three to seven days. If your skin peels frequently or does not stop peeling after being provoked by environmental factors, you should consult a doctor.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, contact a doctor straight away:

  1. scorching on big areas of your body
  2. Fever or chills associated with sunburn or an allergic reaction
  3. Nausea, dizziness, or confusion that appears around the same time your skin begins to peel
  4. Skin that exudes a yellow liquid, stinks, or breaks, and continues to bleed


Peeling skin on your face is usually a transitory symptom caused by an irritant or an environmental component.

To hasten recovery, avoid applying makeup to peeling skin and avoid attempting to peel the skin off your face yourself, since this may result in dark patches or scarring. Peeling skin should go away on its own after a week.

Recurring symptoms can also point to a different cause, such as a chronic skin problem or hypothyroidism. Keep a watch out for other symptoms and consult a doctor if they persist. If you don't currently have a dermatologist, you can use the Healthline FindCare feature to find one in your region.




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