Women health

Can you drink hot coffee during your period?

Is Caffeine Effective in Treating Cramps? What You Should Know About Coffee During Your Period And PMS

Caffeine is the world's most popular drug: the Netherlands, followed by other Nordic nations, is the world's largest coffee consumer. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) estimates that Americans drink two to four cups of coffee each day on average. Caffeine is found in a variety of foods, including teas, drinks, chocolate, and pharmaceuticals.

Caffeine's possible health benefits and cons have been researched by many academics, but what effect does it have on the menstrual cycle? Is it harmful to have coffee during your period? The answers can be found in Flo's article.

can you drink coffee before and during your periods?

To reduce PMS symptoms and breast soreness, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals recommend avoiding coffee completely. However, various people have varying caffeine sensitivities and reactions, and some are more tolerant than others. These suggestions are based on previous research that could have been influenced by other factors that have been linked to PMS, such as smoking and obesity.

 High caffeine intake was not connected to breast soreness, irritability, or exhaustion in a 2016 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition after these characteristics were taken into account.

Caffeine may affect more than just PMS; according to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, drinking coffee during your period is associated to longer, heavier periods and other irregularities. Caffeine's effect on reproductive hormones, according to researchers, is to blame.

Does caffeine make you bleed more?

The short answer to the question "Does coffee relieve period cramps?" is no.

 Caffeine inhibits a hormone that causes blood vessels in the uterus to constrict, delaying the flow of blood. Coffee can also promote bloating and inflammation, which can aggravate stomach pain. As a result, coffee might aggravate cramping.

The evidence on coffee and cramps, on the other hand, is equivocal. In 2014 and 2016, a few studies indicated that consuming coffee was connected to increased period pain intensity and that a high caffeine intake could even double the likelihood of unpleasant cramps. However, research published in 2009, 2011, and 2016 found no link between caffeine and cramps.

Feeling nauseous and dizzy during the period

If you've got "coffee nausea," it could mean you've had too much caffeine. Caffeine overdose causes sweating, restlessness, nausea, diarrhea, and anxiety. Caffeine overdose might also make you dizzy. Because caffeine increases heart rate and blood pressure, dizziness can indicate that your body isn't flowing enough blood into your brain.

Can caffeine help with PMS fatigue during the period?

It's natural to seek a cup of coffee to counteract PMS tiredness when you're feeling weary during ovulation or as your period approaches. Caffeine is a stimulant that helps us stay awake, but it can also exacerbate other PMS symptoms like anxiety and irritability in some people. It can also disrupt sleep habits, making us feel fatigued or irritable.

How much coffee is ok before and during periods for pms

How we metabolize caffeine is influenced by our genetics, age, weight, liver health, and tolerance. According to the FDA, 400 mg of caffeine per day is safe for most adults (around four cups of coffee). Experts recommend restricting caffeine intake during your period or PMS, but the exact quantity you can consume depends depend on how your body processes caffeine.

Coffee substitutes if you're on your period

Alternatives to coffee that you might want to try before and during your period include:

Black tea: Tea contains less caffeine than a typical cup of coffee.

Matcha green tea has about a third of the caffeine found in a cup of coffee.

Kombucha is a fizzy tea-fermented yeast drink that contains some caffeine but not nearly as much as a cup of coffee.

Chicory root can be used to make a drink that tastes like coffee but isn't as strong and contains no caffeine. However, it may cause allergic reactions in some people, and there isn't enough information to say if it's safe to use during pregnancy.

Ginseng: This herbal tea is caffeine-free, but it can help you feel more energized and improve your overall health.

Alternatives to coffee that you might want to try before and during your period include:

The Cleveland Clinic suggests exercising 150 minutes each week and eating a balanced diet that includes minimizing salt, eating leafy greens, nuts, and fruits, drinking enough water and receiving enough vitamin D to aid with PMS. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists also recommends consuming 1,200 mg of calcium each day to alleviate physical and mental symptoms of PMS. Chocolate has also been discovered to alleviate PMS symptoms, which is fantastic news for those of us who suffer from cravings!

Some coffee substitutes to consider before and during your period include:


Coffee can help ease PMS symptoms and cramps, according to experts. But keep in mind that everyone's body is different, and we all react differently to caffeine. Pay attention to your body's signals after consuming coffee before or during your period, and log your symptoms in the Flo app.



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