Women health

 Health Benefits Of Drinking Hot Water

Water, hot or cold, keeps your body hydrated and healthy.

When opposed to drinking cold water, some people believe that drinking hot water can aid in improving digestion, reduce congestion, and even encourage relaxation.

Because there is no scientific research in this area, the majority of the health advantages of hot water are based on anecdotal evidence. However, many people report that this cure helps them feel better, especially when they use it first thing in the morning or shortly before bed.

The ideal temperature for drinking hot beverages is between 130 and 160°F (54 and 71°C), according to research. Burns or scalds can occur at temperatures higher than this.

Try making lemon water by adding a twist of lemon to hot water for an added health boost and vitamin C.

This article examines ten ways that drinking hot water might be beneficial to your health.

1. It might help with nasal congestion.

Steam is created by a cup of boiling water. Holding a cup of hot water in your hand and inhaling deeply may help clear your sinuses and possibly cure a sinus headache.

Because your sinuses and throat have mucous membranes, drinking hot water can help warm that area and alleviate a painful throat caused by mucus accumulation.

A hot drink, such as tea, provides rapid and lasting relief from a runny nose, coughing, sore throat, and weariness, according to an older 2008 study. The heated drink outperformed the same drink served at room temperature.

2. It may help with digestion.

Water aids in the movement of the digestive system. The body is better equipped to discharge waste as water passes through the stomach and intestines.

Some people feel that drinking hot water helps to activate the digestive system.

Hot water, according to the notion, can help dissolve and evaporate food that your body is having difficulties digesting.

Warm water may have beneficial benefits on bowel movements and gas ejection following surgery, according to a 2016 study. More research is needed to establish this advantage.

In the meanwhile, if you find that drinking hot water helps with digestion, there's no harm in trying it.

3. It enhances the function of the central nervous system.

Drinking too little water, whether hot or cold, might harm your nervous system, impacting your mood and brain function.

2019 investigation Drinking water has been demonstrated to increase CNS function and mood, according to Trusted Source.

Drinking water increased brain activity during demanding activities and decreased self-reported anxiety, according to this study.

According to a source, warm water could have a beneficial effect.

4. May help in the relief of constipation

Constipation is frequently caused by dehydration. Drinking water is an excellent strategy to treat and avoid constipation in many circumstances. Keeping yourself hydrated softens your feces and makes it simpler to pass.

Drinking hot water on a daily basis may help you maintain a regular bowel movement.

5. Helps to keep you hydrated

Although some research suggests that cool water is ideal for rehydration, water at any temperature will help you stay hydrated.

Women should drink 78 ounces (2.3 liters) of water per day, while men should drink 112 ounces (3.3 liters) per day, according to the Institute of Medicine. Water from fruits, vegetables, and anything else that melts is included in these statistics.

If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, exercising hard, or working in a hot workplace, you'll need a lot more water.

Start and end your day with a cup of hot water. The importance of water in your body can't be stressed because it's required for almost all of its functions.

6. When it's cold outside, it helps to reduce shivering.

While shivering is the body's natural response to chilly weather, a 2017 study discovered that ingesting warm fluids can help minimize shivering.

Subjects donned suits that were circulated with slightly above-freezing water and then drank water at a variety of temperatures, including up to 126°F (52°C).

The individuals needed less effort to maintain their body temperature when they drank the hot water rapidly, according to the researchers. According to the study, this could be useful for people who work or exercise in cold weather.

7. It enhances circulation.

Everything from your blood pressure to your risk of cardiovascular disease is affected by good blood flow.

A warm bath encourages your circulatory organs — your arteries and veins — to grow and carry blood more efficiently throughout your body.

It's possible that drinking hot water will have a similar impact. However, there is little evidence that this works.

The warmth from sipping hot water or showering at night may also help you relax and prepare for a good night's sleep.

8. Has the potential to reduce stress levels.

You might feel less anxious if you drink hot water since it improves central nervous system activities.

Drinking less water resulted in lower feelings of tranquility, pleasure, and good emotions, according to a 2014 study.

As a result, being hydrated may help you feel happier and more relaxed.

9. It helps the body's detoxification mechanisms.

While there is no conclusive proof that drinking more water helps preserve the kidneys while diluting waste materials in the blood, a 2020 study showed that drinking more water can help protect the kidneys while diluting waste materials in the blood.

Drinking water is also helpful for cleaning out your body, according to the Arthritis Foundation. It can also aid in the reduction of inflammation, the lubrication of joints, and the prevention of gout.

10. May help in the relief of achalasia symptoms.

Achalasia is a disorder in which your esophagus has difficulty transferring food from your mouth to your stomach.

Achalasia is a condition in which people have difficulty swallowing. They may experience food becoming trapped in their esophagus rather than going to their stomach. Dysphagia is the medical term for this condition.

Scientists aren't sure why, but drinking warm water may help people with achalasia digest more easily, according to a 2012 research.

What are the possible risks?

Drinking overly hot water can harm your esophagus tissue, burn your taste buds, and scorch your tongue. When drinking hot water, exercise extreme caution. Rehydration is best accomplished by drinking cool, not hot, water.

Drinking hot water, on the other hand, has no known side effects and is a safe cure.

Last but not least

While there is little concrete data on the benefits of drinking hot water over cold water, it is deemed safe and can help you keep hydrated throughout the day.

It's simple to get into the habit of drinking hot water. Start your day with a cup of boiled water that has been let to cool. If you don't like tea or coffee, try hot water with lemon instead.

If you include a brief stretching session in your daily routine, you'll feel more invigorated and ready to take on the day.

If you don't like the flavor of warm water, add a squeeze of lemon or lime before drinking it.

After a long day, relaxing with a glass of warm water before bed is a terrific way to unwind. You will sleep soundly if you are aware of the health advantages.

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