Women health

You may be wondering how to stop snoring if you or your partner snores frequently or infrequently. You're not the only one who feels this way. 44 percent of men and 28 percent of women between the ages of 30 and 60 snore1 on a regular basis. Around half of all people over the age of 60 snores on a regular basis. 

Snoring is the sound made by air passing through a partially blocked airway. You snore because the tissues at the top of your airway rub against each other and vibrate. Almost every adult snores on occasion.

Snoring is a source of embarrassment and annoyance for the majority of people. Snoring, on the other hand, can be bothersome to some people or signal a health problem. Snoring can be caused by a variety of factors. You can learn how to stop snoring while sleeping and determine if you need to see a doctor about your snoring by trying a variety of tips.

Adjust your bedtime

Many snorers can have their snoring reduced or eliminated by making one or more simple changes at night.

Side Sleeping

The position in which you sleep affects your chances of snoring. When sleeping on your back, also known as the supine position, people are more likely to snore. People who sleep on their sides5, also known as a lateral position, snore less than those who sleep on their backs. People who turn their heads to the side snore less.

If you snore and sleep on your back, try sleeping on your side instead. Consider strategically using pillows to provide comfort while keeping your body and head in a side position if you're having trouble retraining your sleep position habits.

Use a nasal strip or dilator if you have trouble breathing.

Nasal dilators, both internal and external, are used to increase airflow while sleeping. As a result, snoring might be reduced. These small devices can be purchased for a low price over-the-counter online or in most drug stores.

Nasal dilators are small, flexible strips that use tension to open the nasal passages in both types of nasal dilators. A nasal strip, also known as an external dilator, is a piece of adhesive that adheres to the outside of the nose. It pulls outward as it tries to keep its shape, lifting the skin on the nose and opening the nasal passages. An internal nasal dilator works in the same way as an external nasal dilator but from the inside. It pushes outward rather than pulling on the outside of the nose. Both types of dilators have been shown to reduce snoring in studies, but internal dilators are more effective.

Use a mouthpiece that prevents snoring.

Snoring can be controlled with a variety of dental devices7. Because they are larger and stay in the mouth all night, anti-snoring mouthpieces take a little longer to adjust to than nasal strips. Anti-snoring mouthpieces are a type of mouthguard that can be purchased over-the-counter.

A common type of anti-snoring mouthpiece is mandibular advancement devices or MADs. These mouthguards are custom-made to fit your teeth and then adjusted to move your lower jaw forward. Snoring can be reduced with this minor jaw realignment.

Another type of anti-snoring mouthpiece is a tongue retaining device or tongue stabilizing device, also known as a TRD or TSD. This mouthpiece, like the MAD, fits between the teeth. It holds the tongue in place rather than adjusting the lower jaw. Suction is used in a small part of the mouthpiece to keep the tongue from falling back into the throat. A tongue retaining device reduced snoring intensity by 68 percent in one study.

Anti-snoring dental devices can help people with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea as well as snoring. However, sleepers should not self-diagnose or treat sleep apnea. Only use a dental device for sleep apnea with your doctor's permission.

 Lifestyle Changes

Even if they sleep on their side and use a nasal dilator or anti-snoring mouthpiece, some people still snore. If this describes you, it may be time to make more significant lifestyle changes.

Weight reduction

One of the first and most important treatments for snoring, according to experts, is to lose weight. Naturally, this advice is only for overweight or obese people. Based on your height, weight, and waistline, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute offers an easy-to-follow chart to help you determine if you're at a healthy weight.

Consider losing weight if you're one of the nearly 74 percent of Americans who are overweight or obese. Obesity increases the risk of snoring and sleep apnea. Weight loss reduces both snoring and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea in people with a high BMI, according to research.

Make sure you're losing weight in a healthy way. Crash diets are rarely effective in the long run and can be dangerous. Instead, follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's recommendations for eating a healthy diet14 and incorporating physical activity15 into your life.

Try out some mouth exercises.

Consider mouth exercises in addition to general exercise to help you stop snoring. These exercises are known as oropharyngeal exercises in the medical community, and they've been shown to effectively reduce snoring.

Mouth exercises entail moving your tongue and other parts of your mouth repeatedly in order to strengthen the muscles in your tongue, soft palate, and throat. Three months of mouth exercises reduced snoring by 59 percent in one study.

Stop Smoking

Snoring is linked to cigarette smoking. On the other hand, quitting smoking can help you stop snoring. Additionally, children of smokers snore more. If you smoke and notice your children snoring, quitting smoking may be able to help them stop snoring as well.

Furthermore, snoring is one of the more minor side effects of smoking. Cigarettes are responsible for nearly one-third of coronary heart disease deaths and 90% of lung cancer cases in the United States, as well as depriving smokers of an average of 10 years of life.

Before going to bed, stay away from alcohol.

Not only does drinking before bed increase snoring, but it can also cause obstructive sleep apnea in people who don't have it. Because the effect of alcohol on snoring and sleep is dose-dependent, start by reducing your alcohol consumption. If that doesn't work, try cutting out alcohol or stopping drinking a few hours before bed.

Take into account surgical options.

Snoring can be caused by physical problems that medical professionals can treat with surgery. Although surgery should be considered a last resort, there are a few procedures that have been shown to help with snoring. The only way to find out if surgery is right for you is to see a doctor.

When Should You Consulting the Doctor

When snoring is caused by an underlying medical problem, you may not be able to resolve it by addressing it directly. People with obstructive sleep apnea23 may snore as well as experience other symptoms such as gasping or choking while sleeping, daytime tiredness, morning headaches, and a lack of energy upon waking.

Consult a doctor if you suspect snoring is a sign of obstructive sleep apnea. Snoring can be resolved or significantly reduced with a diagnosis and treatment for this disorder, as well as other symptoms.


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