Women health

 How Soursop Eating Can Help You Fight Diseases

Soursop is a fruit that is native to the Americas' warm and tropical regions, and it goes by many names. Annona muricata is its scientific name, but it's also known as guanabana, paw-paw, sirsak, and graviola.

The Annonaceae family, also known as the custard apple family, includes soursop. The fruits are large and oval-shaped, and they grow on trees. White, fibrous flesh is hidden beneath the green exterior, which has spines. They can reach a length of 8 inches and a weight of 10 pounds. The flavor of soursop is best described as a cross between mango and pineapple.

Soursop has a long history of use in traditional medicine, and it has been used to treat a variety of illnesses and conditions. It provides a variety of health benefits due to its high nutrient profile.

The Health Benefits

Soursop is high in vitamin C, an antioxidant that has been shown to improve immune function. The vitamin improves your immune system's ability to defend against pathogens by strengthening it. It also encourages the destruction of free radicals, which can help protect your skin and cells from oxidative damage caused by the environment. One whole soursop fruit contains 215 percent of your daily vitamin C requirement.

Other antioxidants found in soursop (both the fruit and the leaves) include phytosterols, tannins, and flavonoids. Antioxidants are beneficial to your overall health and may help to protect you from a variety of diseases.

Soursop also has the following health benefits:

Digestive health

Fiber is an essential nutrient for digestive health, and one whole soursop fruit contains around 83 percent of your recommended daily allowance. Fiber aids in digestion and helps to prevent constipation.

Anti-carcinogenic potential

Soursop may be useful in fighting and preventing cancer, despite the fact that most research is limited to test-tube studies. A soursop extract was found to shrink breast cancer tumors and kill cancer cells in one study. A second study discovered that an extract could prevent leukemia cells from forming.


Antioxidants fight free radicals, reducing the damage that oxidative stress causes to your cells. Inflammation is one of the negative consequences of oxidative stress. Soursop's antioxidants may thus aid in the reduction of inflammation in the body.

It helps to keep blood pressure in check

High blood pressure can cause serious problems, such as heart disease and heart attack. Sodium consumption is one factor that contributes to high blood pressure. Potassium aids in the removal of sodium from your body and relieves tension in the walls of your blood vessels, both of which can help to lower blood pressure. Whole soursop fruit contains about one-third to one-half of your daily potassium requirement.

It has the potential to fight bacteria

Soursop has antibacterial properties. According to one study, an extract has the potential to kill a wide range of bacteria, including those that cause gum disease and cavities. According to another study, soursop extracts may aid in the fight against cholera and Staphylococcus bacteria. Despite the fact that these were test-tube studies, the results are promising, and more research is required.


Many vitamins and minerals are found in soursop, including:

  1. Vitamin B1
  2. Vitamin B2
  3. Vitamin B3
  4. Vitamin C
  5. Folate
  6. Calcium
  7. Iron
  8. Potassium
  9. Magnesium
  10. Phosphorous
  11. Zinc
  12. Copper

Per-Serving Nutrients

One soursop fruit has the following nutritional value:

  1. Calories: 413
  2. Protein: 6 grams
  3. Fat: 2 grams
  4. Carbohydrates: 105 grams
  5. Fiber: 21 grams
  6. Sugar: 85 grams

Things to Be Aware Of

While soursop has a number of health benefits, it also has some disadvantages. The fruit and tea made from the leaves have been shown in studies to cause symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease. It may also interact with medications for high blood pressure or diabetes, according to studies. The fruit's compounds may amplify the effects of such medications, resulting in dangerous drops in blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Soursop seeds should also be avoided. They contain toxic compounds and may result in negative side effects. Before eating the fruit, be sure to remove them.

Soursop: How to Eat It

Fresh and frozen soursop are commonly found in Brazilian supermarkets. The fruit is also available in some traditional grocery stores and on the internet.

The majority of soursop is harvested before it has fully ripened. The unripe fruit is green, but as it ripens, it turns a yellow-green color. When you press on it, it will also give a little. Unripe fruit should be kept on the counter. Once it has reached maturity, store it in the refrigerator and consume it within a few days.

Soursop is delicious when eaten raw. It can also be used in a variety of ways, including:

  1. Popsicles made from scratch
  2. a scoop of ice cream
  3. A delicious addition to any smoothie recipe.
  4. Juices
  5. Oatmeal, yogurt, or chia pudding with a topping
  6. In a quick bread or cake batter, a zesty addition



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