Women health


Stroke Symptoms to Watch For

When you suffer a stroke, the blood supply to your brain is cut off. To avoid brain damage, incapacity, or even death, you must seek treatment as soon as possible.

Check for the most common signs of a stroke in yourself or someone else using the FAST test.

Face appearance: Smile then see if one side of the face droops.

Arms test: Raise both arms. Does one arm drop down?

Speech trial: Say a short phrase then check for slurred or abnormal speech.

Time factor: If the answer to any of these is yes take a move

When it comes to stroke treatment, every second count. It's a waste of time to call a doctor or drive oneself to the hospital. Ambulance professionals can assess your situation more quickly, increasing your chances of receiving the care you require as soon as possible.

Doctors may prescribe aspirin or powerful clot-busting medications depending on the type of stroke you have. The remedy works best if you take it within three hours of the onset of your symptoms. Doctors will strive to halt the bleeding as quickly as possible if your stroke was caused by a burst blood vessel.

The Warning Signs

A stroke might occur gradually, but you're more likely to have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • 1.     Numbness or weakness, especially on one side of your face, arm, or leg
  •    Confusion or difficulty comprehending others
  • 3.   Speaking in a difficult manner
  • 4.   Having difficulty seeing with one or both eyes
  • 5.    Problems with walking, balance, or coordination
  • 6.   Dizziness
  • 7.    A severe headache that appears out of nowhere

Even if you're not sure you're having a stroke, contact 911 if you're experiencing these symptoms. 

Prepare yourself                         

A stroke affects approximately 800,000 people in the United States each year. They can strike at any time and to anyone. It is possible to make a significant difference by preparing for an emergency.

§  Learn how to recognize the indications of a stroke and alert your family and friends.

§  Wear a medical bracelet or other forms of identification that specifies your medical problems, allergies, and any medications you're taking.

§  Teach your kids how to perform the FAST test, as well as how to phone 911, give your address, and describe what's going on.

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