Women health

how to take turmeric for inflammation
 This bright orange-colored spice offers various health-promoting qualities in addition to being a component of curries.  Major advantages of turmeric and why it can be healthy for you, according to a dietitian.

Why is turmeric used?

Turmeric (Curcuma longa), which is what gives curry its distinctive yellow color, also affects the flavor, appearance, and composition of the dish it is paired with. Turmeric is a spice from the tropics that has a long history of being renowned for its health benefits, particularly its anti-inflammatory effects. Being the root of a flowering plant, it belongs to the ginger family.

The following health benefits of turmeric:

  • A protective bioactive molecule called curcumin is present.
  • It might support the body's efforts to fight inflammation.
  •  It could be used to treat arthritis.
  •  It contains turmerone, which may be helpful in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and stroke.
  •  The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant actions could shield against heart disease.
  • It might aid in the prevention of allergies and the treatment of infections.
  • It might aid in preventing the spread of malignant cells.
  • It might improve our mood and cause the production of dopamine and serotonin, two feel-good molecules.
  •  It might be quite helpful in improving memory.
  •  It might prevent cell damage, which would lessen the effects of aging.

ALSO READ: 7 Outstanding Health Benefits of Ginger You Don’t Know About

Turmeric's nutritional makeup

The following amounts are found in one tablespoon of powdered turmeric powder:

  • 29 kcal/123 KJ
  •  0.9g of protein.
  • 4 grams of carbs
  •  1g of fiber
  •  0.3g fat
  •  196 mg. of potassium
  •  0.7 mg iron


1. Protective bioactive substances

Turmeric is one of the many colorful plant foods that are beneficial to human health due to its plant pigments. The principal active ingredient, curcumin, which accounts for around 3% of the root's weight, is largely to blame for the spice's widespread media attention. Curcumin is one of the hundreds of bioactive substances present in turmeric, despite being a noteworthy component.

2. Has anti-oxidant effects

The benefit of protective substances like curcumin is that they support the body in fending off the negative consequences of cell oxidation. This process may eventually result in chronic inflammation and, as a result, age-related illnesses like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.

Our bodies are better equipped to handle aging and the inflammation that goes along with it when we eat foods that are protective antioxidants. It also alleviates inflammation and muscle discomfort brought on by exercise.

3. Could reduce pain from arthritis

Studies comparing turmeric's anti-inflammatory abilities to those of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) have shown a lot of promise. Research on the therapeutic potential of curcumin as an arthritis therapy in animals has also proved promising.

However, additional carefully planned clinical trials are required to assess the effectiveness of curcumin for arthritis sufferers, particularly those who depend on NSAIDS to treat their illnesses.

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4. Might help people with dementia or Alzheimer's

Turmerone is another active component of turmeric. Turmerone is less well understood, but studies suggest it may be helpful for treating illnesses like stroke and Alzheimer's disease since it stimulates cell repair and may perhaps aid in the restoration of brain function.

Since the active components of turmeric are frequently poorly absorbed in people, additional research is required before we can determine how useful turmerone may be. However, these studies typically only use animal and cell models.

5. Could reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease

Studies indicate that curcumin's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties may help prevent some of the processes that lead to the development of heart disease, such as maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.

6. Might help the immune system

Studies suggest that curcumin has an immunomodulatory effect, impacting critical immune cells such as T cells, B cells, and natural killer cells. Curcumin also seems to inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines, substances whose protracted activity can result in inflammation-related harm.

Curcumin may boost our immune systems when taken in small dosages, assisting us in warding against infection. Animal studies indicate that it might even help to manage allergy diseases like hay fever.

7. Might protect against cancer

Additionally, curcumin seems to trigger a number of cellular alterations that could be beneficial in the battle against cancer. Studies indicate that curcumin, which is active at various phases of cancer formation, may help prevent the establishment of new blood vessels in tumors, slow the spread of cancer, and aid in the killing of cancer cells.

8. Could boost mood

Furthermore, curcumin may be to blame for helping the spice improve our mood and lessen some of the signs of depression. Curcumin was shown to be just as effective as the medication Prozac in one study looking at its anti-depressive effects.

Additionally, there is speculation that curcumin may increase the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, two feel-good compounds.

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9. Might improve memory

According to research conducted on animals, the brain hormone known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is increased by curcumin. This aids in the survival of nerve cells and is crucial for learning and memory.

To fully understand these advantages, more human research is required, but preliminary results are encouraging.

10. Might offer anti-aging benefits

By turning on specific proteins and shielding cells from harm, curcumin may slow down the aging process. As a result, it might stop the evolution of age-related illnesses and lessen the symptoms that go along with them.

Is everyone safe to use turmeric?

Turmeric is generally considered to be safe, however, there are several situations in which caution is advised.

Avoid ingesting medical doses of turmeric if you are pregnant. Curcumin may change estrogen levels, according to recent animal research. While pregnant, however, using the spice in moderation, for instance, in a meal or beverage, may be advantageous.

 Avoid consuming large amounts of turmeric if you have anemia due to a lack of iron. Compounds in the spice seem to attach to iron in the intestines, preventing it from being absorbed and escalating symptoms.

You should be informed that turmeric boosts bile secretion if you have gallstones, bile duct obstruction, or liver illness. Including a lot in your diet may make your symptoms worse.

You should get advice from your doctor or pharmacist if you use medication. Take extra caution when using turmeric if you're on blood thinners, diabetic medications, or PPIs like omeprazole for acid reflux.

The effects and interactions of turmeric still need to be thoroughly understood. More study is required to assess the effects on human health since most of the evidence to date has come from animal and test tube studies.

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In general, how healthy is turmeric?

Rightfully, turmeric is considered a "superfood." The golden spice is thought to slow down the aging process, ease arthritis symptoms, and even stop the spread of malignant cells. It also supposedly protects our cells from inflammation and damage and slows down the aging process.

Additionally, it's thought to improve mood, memory, and brain function, and some studies even point to its potential utility in the treatment of diseases like Alzheimer's and stroke.

Consult your doctor or a certified dietitian before making any significant dietary changes or considering supplement use to ensure that you can do so without endangering your health.

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