Women health

 Vegetarian substitute for egg protein


In addition to providing a variety of vitamins, minerals, and other healthy ingredients, eggs are a well-known source of protein. They have fewer calories, which makes you feel satisfied for longer and helps you keep your muscle mass. About 6.42 grams of protein are present in one large egg. You may be shocked to learn that some other foods have more protein than eggs if you are a vegetarian and worry that you won't be able to obtain your recommended daily protein intake. Take a quick look!

1. Soybean

The protein content of one cup of cooked soybeans is 28 grams. With its versatility, soybeans can be used to make a wide range of foods, including salads, appetizers, and entrées.

2. Quinoa

This fiber-rich, gluten-free grain qualifies as a source of "complete protein" since it has all nine essential amino acids, including the muscle-building L-arginine. In fact, it has an astounding 8 grams of protein per cup.

3. The pumpkin seed

In addition to having a high protein content, pumpkin seeds also have high levels of energy-boosting minerals phosphorus, zinc, and magnesium. You can get 9 grams of protein from 30 grams of pumpkin seeds, which is more than there is in one egg.

4. Lentils & dal

Pulses are a great source of plant-based protein because they have a higher protein content per serving than eggs, with a cup of lentils having roughly 14–16 grams of protein. For both fiber and complex carbs, lentils are a fantastic source.

5. Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds, commonly referred to as hemp hearts, are crunchy cereals that are low in calories and high in protein, with 2 tablespoons containing roughly 6.3 grams per serving. Alpha-linoleic acid and omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in the seeds, which are good for the heart.

6. The Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt helps you feel filled for longer and has twice as much protein as homemade curd. It is also a fantastic source of probiotics. With 170 grams of yogurt in a cup of fat-free Greek yogurt, you get 17 grams of protein.

7. Edamame beans

This plant-based protein source offers all nine essential amino acids that the body needs. They are also a fantastic source of magnesium, which can aid promote energy, metabolism, and muscle growth. Edamame beans include 83 calories and 6.6 grams of protein per half cup.

8. Cottage cheese or paneer

A tasty approach to adding high protein to your diet is cottage cheese. Due to paneer's 23 grams of protein per 100 grams, it is both high in protein and low in calories.

9. Chickpeas

Given that a half cup of cooked chickpeas provides roughly 7.3 grams of protein, chickpeas have a fairly high protein level. By producing cholecystokinin, a hormone that suppresses hunger, it aids in enhancing feelings of satiety.

10. Butter from almonds

Each 50 grams of almond butter has 10 grams of protein. It is the ideal alternative for vegans and vegetarians because it is full of good fats, biotin, vitamin E, and manganese.

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  1. High-protein vegetable foods
  2. Types of vegetable foods
  3. Protein vegetable foods list
  4. Foods and vegetables high in protein
  5. Vegetables eating benefits




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