1. Your
body will appreciate you
Consuming beef products significantly raises your risk of
impotence, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and other illnesses. According
to research, vegans have a 40% higher cancer risk than meat eaters. You consume
feces, antibiotics, dioxins, and a variety of other potentially harmful
elements every time you consume food derived from animals. These pollutants can
build up in your body and stay there for years.
Complex Feelings Are Found in Cows
Cows are kind, peaceful, and cooperative. In their herd,
they develop strong bonds with the other cows and are able to recognize over
100 others. When a friend or family member passes away, cows reportedly cry.
The cattle business implants hormone-rich pellets into cows
to cause them to grow at an excessively rapid rate. Many scientists worry that
the synthetic hormones injected into cows will harm people who consume them,
despite the fact that small amounts of naturally occurring hormones can be
found in a variety of foods. Many of these hormones are prohibited in various
4. Animal
Cows are routinely subjected to painful mutilations, such as
branding, castration, and dehorning, all of which are done without the use of
anesthetics. They are transported without food or water to a slaughterhouse
after spending months in an overcrowding feedlot. There, a metal rod is
inserted through their brains, they are hung upside down, and their necks are
sliced. Numerous animals are still aware during the operation because line
speeds are so quick.
5. Ecosystems
One of the main factors contributing to the contamination of
our rivers and lakes is runoff from factory farms and livestock grazing.
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, runoff can carry bacteria
and viruses, and groundwater can become contaminated. Numerous research and
official investigations have found that people who live close to factory farms
had greater rates of miscarriages, respiratory issues, and neurological
6. The
raising of animals pollutes the environment
According to some calculations, greenhouse gas emissions
from animal husbandry exceed those from all of the world's transportation
systems put together. According to the UN, a global shift toward veganism is
essential if we want to stop the worst effects of climate change.
7. Cattle
ranchers No Longer Eat Cows
Fourth-generation cattle rancher Howard Lyman converted to
veganism after learning about the negative impacts of factory farming; he now
travels the nation preaching a vegan way of life.
8. Cows Are Incredible Escapees
A few cows have succeeded in escaping from slaughterhouses.
One named Emily escaped from a Massachusetts slaughterhouse, jumped over a
5-foot gate, and spent many weeks in the woods throughout the New England
winter before being found and saved. The millions of nameless cows butchered by
the meat business every year aren't as fortunate as some escapees, like Emily
and Freddie (below), who were released to sanctuaries.
Consuming meat amounts to stealing food from those who are hungry.
Growing grains and other feed crops for animals is
inefficient since only a small portion of what we give them is converted into
meat that humans can consume. The majority is used by the animals to survive
and develop.
According to the highly regarded Worldwatch Institute, "Grain
is used more efficiently when ingested directly by humans in a world where an
estimated one in every six people go hungry each day. The world's poor and rich
meat eaters compete for grain if the production of meat is to continue growing.
Vegetarian Meat Is More Delicious Than Ever
It is now simpler than ever to avoid eating meat from cows
and other animals. Today, several eateries, including Denny's, Johnny Rockets,
and White Castle, offer delectable veggie burgers. Check out our top beef
substitutes, which are all delectable, cholesterol- and cruelty-free.
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