Women health

 Medicine overdose treatment at home


An overdose occurs when a patient takes too much medication. Accidental drug overdose deaths in Australia are at an all-time high. Overdosing on medication can be extremely harmful and even fatal; however unintentional overdoses can be avoided.

The majority of drugs offer advantages and disadvantages. If you take too many pills, they become poisonous and cause injury. If you take some medications at the same time as alcohol or other medications, they may become poisonous.

  1. This accidental overdose may occur if:
  2. You accidentally take a medication.
  3. You accidentally take the wrong medication.
  4. By accident taking too much a medication
  5. You combine a medication that causes a side effect with another medication or alcohol.
  6. Combining them could have a negative reaction

Moreover, during medical or surgical operations, accidental overdoses can occur.

How is an accidental overdose possible?

You have a higher risk of side effects from medications when you take more of them. In recent years, a person consuming three or more substances has been involved in more than one in every two accidental overdose deaths.

Accidental overdose is more likely to happen if:

  1. You combine several different medications in your regimen.
  2. You neglect to adhere to the recommendations made by your physician or pharmacist
  3. Combining alcohol with medication.

There are some mistakes that increase the risk of overdose:

  1. Using multiple medications with the same active component (for instance, two cold and flu medications may have different brand names but both contain
  2. paracetamol, so if you take both, you'll need to take twice the dose).
  3. Taking medications that are more potent than you anticipated
  4. a tablet in one container carries a more considerable amount of medication than a tablet in a separate package, even if they have the same brand name).
  5. Utilizing an incorrect measurement tool for the drug (for example, using a tablespoon rather than a teaspoon means you take more than you need).
  6. Losing track of how much medication you've already consumed.

Accidental overdose is more likely to happen to your child if:

  1. Using their weight as a basis, you make an inaccurate calculation for your child's medication dosage.
  2. Your failure to store medications securely allows them to be accessed by your child, who may then swallow them by mistake.

Especially if you have taken medicine before, it is still vital to read the label.

What signs might indicate a drug overdose?

Depending on the medication, different symptoms can result from an overdose.

Request an ambulance if someone:

  1. Either not breathing at all or is only shallowly breathing
  2. Is snoring or gurgling, appears to be asleep, and cannot be roused
  3. Manifests confusion
  4. Possessing blue fingertips or lips
  5. A seizure
  6. Has a loose, flabby arm and legs or chilly, clammy skin
  7. Possesses small pupils

What medicines are the most hazardous?

All medications should be used with caution, although some are more hazardous than others or are associated with more overdoses.


In Australia, unintentional fatal overdoses are most frequently caused by opioids, such as the potent painkillers oxycodone and fentanyl. The risk increases if you consume alcohol or use other medications, especially benzodiazepines (such as diazepam and alprazolam), antidepressants, or antipsychotics.


The most typical drug to induce accidental overdoses that result in hospital admissions is paracetamol. Another typical reason for accidental overdose in youngsters is paracetamol. An overdose of paracetamol can cause liver damage, loss of coordination, yellow eyes and skin (jaundice), and possibly death. Suppose you or your child may have taken too much paracetamol. In that case, it's critical to get medical attention right away because damage may already have been done before you ever notice any symptoms.


Diazepam and temazepam are 2 benzodiazepines that are commonly coupled with other drugs and are the second most likely class of drugs to accidentally overdose and cause death. When combined with other medications, such as opioids and other over-the-counter drugs, or with alcohol, the risk is increased.

Diabetes medicine

When you have diabetes, taking excessive amounts of insulin or other diabetic medications may result in dangerously low blood sugar levels. See your doctor or a diabetes educator for advice on what to do if this develops into a serious condition. Using these medications while not having diabetes is equally risky.

What must I do in the event of an overdose?

Don't believe someone who appears comatose after taking medication is simply dozing off; an overdose is a medical emergency.

Call triple zero (000) and request an ambulance if you see any symptoms of an overdose.

As you wait for the ambulance, take the following actions:

  1. Remain close to the overdose victim.
  2. Slide them to one side.
  3. If they are conscious, speak to them.
  4. Relax any restrictive clothing.
  5. Take them outside or crack a window for fresh air.
  6. Be mindful that they might require CPR.
  7. For advice, dial the Poisons Information Helpline at (13 11 26).

Call the Poisons Information Line at (131) 11-26 if you are concerned that someone may have taken the incorrect medication or dosage. They'll let you know what symptoms to look out for and whether you ought to visit the hospital, or your doctor, or stay at home.

How are overdoses treated?

The type of medication consumed affects how an overdose is treated.

With some medications, there are countermeasures available. A chemical known as an antidote has the potential to counteract the consequences of an overdose.

A drug called naloxone has the ability to momentarily undo the consequences of an opioid overdose. Everyone who could encounter or witness an opioid overdose has access to this medication without a prescription thanks to the Australian Government-funded Take Home Naloxone Program.

How can I lower the risk of an accidental overdose?

Be sure you are aware of the medications you are taking as well as the proper dosage. Always abide by the advice given to you by your physician or pharmacist.

Medication storage must be done properly, and youngsters must never have access to drugs.

You can take the following actions to reduce your risk of overdosing:

  1. Always read the consumer medicine information (CMI) leaflet that comes with your medication.
  2. Learn which drugs can be taken at the same time and which must be taken at different times.
  3. Be sure you are aware of what you can and cannot do while taking the medication, such as whether you should refrain from driving. Find out if drinking alcohol is safe.
  4. Always measure your medications precisely. When measuring medication for children, exercise great caution.
  5. Never take someone else's medication; only ever take the medication that has been prescribed for you.
  6. Use just the medication prescribed for you; never use another person's medication.
  7. To arrange a home medicines review or to discuss properly managing your medications, speak with your pharmacist.
  8. You should discuss with your doctor if you can progressively reduce the quantity and number of medications you are taking.

Call 1300 MEDICINE at 1300 633 424 to obtain information about prescription, over-the-counter, and alternative medicines.

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