Women health

How Many Times Is Normal to Urinate At Night?

The medical word for excessive nighttime peeing is nocturia, sometimes known as nocturnal polyuria. If you get up to use the restroom twice or more during the night, your nighttime urine is probably excessive.

Your body generates less concentrated solution, which is less during sleep. This means that most people are able to sleep for six to eight hours without having to get up to use the restroom.

Therefore, some people might need to urinate more frequently at night. If you have to get up more than twice or three times a night to urinate, nighttime urination may be unpleasant and need therapy.

Nocturia can occur at any age, though it is more frequent in elderly persons. Continue reading to discover more about nocturia, including its causes, signs and symptoms, remedies, and methods for stopping it.


Nocturia can be brought on by particular dietary habits or medical circumstances.

Medical problems

Nocturia can be brought on by a number of illnesses. Infections of the urinary tract (UTI) or the bladder are frequent causes of nocturia. Urgent urination at all hours of the day and night is brought on by these infections, which also frequently induce burning feelings. Antibiotics are necessary for the cure.

The following medical problems can also result in nocturia:

  1. Prostate infection or hypertrophy
  2.  Prolapsed bladder
  3. Uncontrollable bladder (OAB)
  4. Bladder, neither prostate nor pelvic area tumors
  5. Diabetes
  6. Anxiety
  7. Renal disease
  8. Swelling or edema in the lower legs
  9. Obstructive snoring
  10. Neurological conditions such as spinal cord compression, Parkinson's disease, or multiple sclerosis
  11. People who have organ failures, such as heart or liver failure, frequently experience nocturia.


Nocturia is a pretty typical pregnant symptom. When the expanding womb presses against the bladder later on in pregnancy, it can also occur at the beginning of the pregnancy.


As a side effect, several drugs can make you nocturnal. This is especially true of diuretics (water tablets), which are recommended to treat fluid retention of any kind, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, or both.

When you can no longer regulate your pee or lose the capacity to urinate, you should consult a doctor very away.

Lifestyle decision-making

Polyuria, which is defined as having an excessive amount of urination over a 24-hour period, can be brought on by drinking too much fluid—typically more than 40 milliliters per kilogram (mL/kg) per day. You might also experience nocturia, or nighttime excessive urinating, as part of that.

As diuretics, alcohol and coffee increase the amount of pee your body produces when consumed. As a result, excessive alcohol or caffeine consumption might cause midnight waking and the need to urinate.

Others with nocturia could have made it a habit to get up in the middle of the night to urinate.

ALSO READ: How to Stop Bedwetting Permanently

How it is diagnosed

It can be challenging to identify the cause of nocturia. Several questions will be required from your doctor. Typically, the doctor will also want you to keep a log of how much you drink, how frequently you have to urinate in a day, and what you eat.

Additionally, your doctor might question you:

  1. The nocturia began when?
  2. How frequently must you urinate during the night?
  3. Are you passing less urine now than you did previously?
  4. Have you ever wet the bed or had accidents?
  5. Is there anything that aggravates the issue?
  6. Have you got any more symptoms?
  7. What medicines do you take?
  8. Do you have a diabetes history in your family or urethral issues?

Additionally, they could subject you to examinations like:

  1. Testing for diabetes with blood sugar
  2. Additional blood examinations for blood chemistry and blood counts
  3. Urinalysis
  4. Urine specimens
  5. Test for fluid restriction
  6. Ultrasounds and CT scans are examples of imaging tests.
  7. Urology exams such as cystoscopy

Tests to determine whether your bladder is completely emptying before you urinate


Taking the drug earlier in the day may be beneficial if your nocturia is brought on by medication.

Sometimes, drugs like these can be used to treat nocturia.

Anticholinergic medications that reduce the signs of an overactive

Bladder. However, current research links these medications to a higher risk of dementia in older individuals.

The bladder muscles can be relaxed and the signs of an overactive bladder can be lessened with the aid of beta-3 adrenoceptor agonists like mirabegron (Myrbetriq).

Your kidneys generate less urine at night as a result of desmopressin (Nocturna).

On the other hand, nocturia can be a sign of a more serious ailment, like diabetes or a UTI, that, if unchecked, might get worse or spread. When the underlying cause of the nocturia is effectively treated, the nocturia will typically stop.

How or when to prevent it

You can take action to decrease how nocturia affects your life.

You can lessen the need to go to the bathroom at night by cutting back on your drinking four to six hours before bed.

Avoiding alcoholic and caffeinated beverages may also be beneficial, as one may urinate just before bed. Chocolate, spicy foods, acidic foods, and artificial sweeteners are a few examples of foods that might irritate the bladder. You can strengthen your pelvic muscles and enhance bladder control using kegel exercises and pelvic floor physiotherapy.

Keep a close eye on the things that aggravate your symptoms so you can try to adjust your routines accordingly. Some people find it useful to record their drinking habits in a journal.


Of the 50 million Americans who suffer from nocturia, 1 in 3 persons over the age of 30 and 24% of people over the age of 65 are affected.

Nocturia may interfere with your sleep cycle, which can cause sleep loss, weariness, drowsiness, and mood swings.

You should explore any potential treatment options and lifestyle adjustments with your doctor.

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