Women health

 Best Medicine for phlegm in the throat

How can phlegm be eliminated? So long as the symptoms are not severe, you can treat the condition at home with these 7 natural remedies.

Common colds and coughs are not harmful, but if they are not treated, they can worsen into more serious conditions, like phlegm. Phlegm and mucous shouldn't build up because they typically signify an infection. So, how can phlegm be eliminated? Well, some easy home cures are effective!

What exactly is phlegm?

Any infection in the lungs and trachea, which make up the lower respiratory system, can lead to phlegm. It is brought on by any illness of the lower respiratory tract, whether it is bacterial, viral, or fungal.

Phlegm risk factors include:

Phlegm can be produced by illnesses such as pneumonia, moderate infection, tuberculosis, lung cancer, bronchiectasis, and bronchitis. Moreover, it results from airway conditions such as asthma, chronic bronchitis from COPD, and COPD exacerbation.

In order to discuss the best at-home treatments for phlegm, HealthShots contacted Dr. Pritha Nayyar, Consultant, Respiratory specialist at Asian hospital.

The easiest method for decreasing phlegm, according to Dr. Nayyar, is to eliminate it entirely via proper care and understanding of its causes. It is nonetheless also manageable and treatable at home. Steam, lukewarm water, and the use of expectorants are all recommended for reducing phlegm production. You can then get rid of the buildup in your lungs by having extra phlegm expel itself.


1. Honey and ginger to ease cough

One teaspoon of fresh ginger juice and one tablespoon of honey are combined. Take the syrup immediately away, and make sure to take it carefully. Up to three times per day, take as needed to alleviate a dry cough and sore throat. A sore throat's swelling is reduced by ginger, and coughing bouts are reduced by honey.

2. Drink plenty of water

You can make it simpler for extra phlegm to accumulate in your airways by not drinking enough water. In fact, your mucus will be dehydrated as well, which will make it thicker and more challenging to evacuate. Water helps to thin out any mucus in your throat, making it easier to cough up and expel from your airways. Hence, drink plenty of water. It is considerably healthier to drink warm water.

3. Disinfect with salt water.

Gargling with salt water can decrease mucus and clear the throat. A warm glass of water should have 2 to 3 teaspoons of salt in it. Take a sip of salt water and gargle for a few seconds while tilting your head back and keeping the water in your throat. Repeat by spitting out the water afterward. You can continue this process as necessary throughout the day every two to three hours. This at-home remedy might also help with the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections.

4. A healthy diet to prevent infection

You must be extremely mindful of your food when battling phlegm issues. More cardamom, onion, pineapple, ginger, garlic, and peppers should be added to help get rid of extra mucus. As natural decongestants, hot foods and large amounts of chili will make the mucus thin and start running, making it simpler to cough up phlegm. Moreover, try to consume a healthy diet.

5. Use essential oils while steaming

For phlegm thinning and liquefication, breathe in steam from a bowl of hot water. You can perform it as often as necessary—once or twice daily—to feel better. One way to clear mucus accumulation in your respiratory tract is by inhaling steam, but adding a few drops of calming essential oils to the water may increase its potency significantly. Even better, consider taking a warm shower or using a humidifier.

6. Herbal teas

Peppermint tea works well for treating phlegm. It is expectorant, antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory. These qualities have been demonstrated to increase your body's resistance to sickness while clearing your respiratory airways of mucus or phlegm. Definitely give it a try if you need relief right away.

7. Nasal spray

You can also use a nasal spray or drops to lessen mucus buildup and restore normal breathing. Most nasal sprays contain salt water, which aids in thinning and loosening the mucus. Ask your doctor how long to use it while you have phlegm.


  1. Avoid smoking and being among smokers.
  2. Coughing to remove extra phlegm
  3. Caffeine consumption should be limited.
  4. Systematically blow your nose gently
  5. Stay away from booze
  6. For some relief, take a hot shower.
  7. Keep your head raised.
  8. Employ a saline nasal rinse or spray
  9. Avoid dairy products.
  10. Exercise your breathing.
  11. Keep an eye on your allergies and receive the help you need.


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