Women health

 Occasionally, medication or surgery is the only option for treating uterine fibroids. However, for other people, only altering their diet, exercise, and stress-reduction practices might help them feel better.

Although if you require medical care, natural methods like acupuncture, dietary adjustments, and supplements may improve your health.

By being aware of all your options, you could be able to lessen or perhaps eliminate the pain and other symptoms of fibroids. Here are some simple dos and don'ts you can adhere to that might help you feel better.

The Do's

Take in a lot of fresh produce. According to a recent study, consuming lots of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage as well as fruits like apples and tomatoes may reduce the risk of getting fibroids. Additionally, making healthier diet selections like organic fruits and veggies and whole-grain foods may help you feel better.

Check your blood pressure regularly. Blood pressure is strongly correlated with fibroids, according to research. Consult your doctor for advice on controlling your blood pressure with diet, exercise, or medication.

Be in control of your stress. Stress and fibroids may be related, according to some studies; however, researchers are still investigating this. To control your stress, consider practicing relaxation methods like yoga, massage, and Tai chi. Alternative treatments like acupuncture have also proven effective for some women in reducing period discomfort.

Don't hesitate to relax. Try lying down and elevating your legs with a cushion if you're experiencing painful periods as a result of your fibroids. Alternatively, to relieve back pain, sleep on your side and cup your knees in your chest.

Before using any supplements, talk to your doctor. According to some research, vitamins like vitamin D supplementation may be useful in reducing your risk of developing fibroids.

In spite of the fact that some practitioners of alternative medicine advise using supplements like raspberry leaf tea to support pregnancy and cure conditions like PMS, they do not advise it for fibroids.

This is due to the tea's potential to have an estrogen-like effect on the body and exacerbate your issue. For this reason, it's crucial to discuss all medications and supplements with your doctor, even if they are natural. You might not be aware of any side effects they may have.

The Don'ts.

Eat less processed food, red meat, and dairy products with added fat. According to studies, consuming these foods can exacerbate fibroids. The same is true with caffeine and alcohol.

Don't miss a workout. According to one study, the likelihood of developing fibroids was lowest for women who exercised the most—roughly 7 hours per week of activities like walking, dancing, or jogging. Additionally, exercise can lower blood pressure.

Avoid consuming too much sugar. A high-sugar diet may increase your risk of developing fibroids, according to a study.

Avoid smoking. Smoking, according to experts, might make your period more painful because it limits the quantity of oxygen that reaches your pelvic area.


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