Women health

 Symptoms of serious illness

The body sends out a variety of warning signs that it is not in the greatest of health long before a trip to the hospital becomes absolutely necessary due to a serious sickness. Pay attention to the following 10 indicators of a sick body to determine if something is wrong and to prevent these symptoms from developing into more serious health problems:

1. An unusual loss of weight

A doctor should be seen if a patient loses more than 10% of their body weight while remaining physically active and not obese. There are many potential causes of unexplained weight loss, including an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), depression, diabetes, liver illness, malabsorption problems (inability of the body to absorb nutrients effectively), and cancer. Yogesh Batra, a doctor, claims


2. A high fever

The body's natural defense against infection is a fever. A 103-degree fever or higher must be displayed to a doctor, though. Typically, it denotes endocarditis, meningitis, pneumonia, or a urinary tract infection (inflammation of the lining of heart valves and chambers). A low-grade fever that persists for longer than three days may also be an indication of certain infections, such as sinusitis, tuberculosis, or cancers, including lymphoma or leukemia.

3. Breathing Disorders

Breathlessness frequently indicates an underlying medical condition. It may be brought on by physical activity, obesity, high altitudes, or temperature extremes. One must seek emergency medical attention if they have sudden, acute episodes of shortness of breath. a famous pulmonologist in Mumbai claims:

Breathlessness signals the presence of diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lung), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or other issues with the heart and lungs. A bout of shortness of breath can also be brought on by an anxiety or panic attack.

4. Reduced Appetite

If a person feels full after only a small amount of food or after consuming significantly less than normal behavior. The sensation of fullness, or satiety, may be accompanied by nausea, bloating, vomiting, or weight loss. a seasoned doctor in Mumbai claims,

GERD, stomach ulcers, or a more serious condition like pancreatic cancer is all potential causes of appetite loss.

5. Sleep problems

One of the first indicators of a sick body is poor sleep. An insomniac or disturbed sleep pattern is a sign of physical and mental stress. The hormone cortisol is decreased when you sleep. Cortisol levels, on the other hand, deviate from normal under stressful circumstances and do not drop during sleep. The body's natural ability to heal itself as it rests is hampered by this. The body becomes more susceptible to other illnesses when it doesn't get enough rest since the immune system isn't working at its best.

6. Chronically Fatigued

A feeling of exhaustion could be explained by increased work or a daytime workout. However, persistent fatigue, which persists despite getting a full night's sleep, maybe a sign of a more serious medical condition, such as reduced thyroid function, burning out of the adrenal glands, toxic overload brought on by poor dietary and lifestyle habits, or other environmental exposures.

Your body's repair processes may start working overtime to ward off infections, cancer, and other diseases if stress or strain on the nervous system is present.

7. Yellow-orange urine

A strong sign of general health is the color of the urine. It is among the many indications of a sick body that one should watch out for. Urine in a fully hydrated state is nearly transparent or pale yellow in hue. Nevertheless, if urine is dark yellow in color despite drinking enough water, it may be a sign of a kidney condition. It demonstrates that the body's waste is not being effectively digested. One must contact a nephrologist to have kidney function evaluated if increased water intake does not result in an improvement in urine color.

8. Anxiety, confusion, or personality changes

Numerous health conditions may cause confusion in thinking, disorientation, difficulties concentrating, or abrupt personality changes like becoming more aggressive. Anemia, low blood sugar, infection, dehydration, and mental health disorders are a few of these.

Certain drugs occasionally have a side effect that causes confusion. Consult a doctor to determine the underlying cause; a stroke must be addressed as an emergency if you are extremely disoriented and experiencing speech slurring, weakness, or numbness.

9. Irregular Bowel Movement

Changes in bowel habits may also indicate several medical issues. Be careful of:

  1. Persistent constipation or diarrhea
  2. Unexplained bowel movements impulses
  3. Stools with a bloody or black color

Changes in bowel habits may be caused by viral or parasite infections, as well as bacterial infections like Salmonella or Campylobacter. Irritable bowel syndrome or colon cancer may potentially cause it.

10. Cold and flu sensitivity

Every day, everyone is exposed to bacteria and viruses. However, a healthy person is usually able to fight off these viruses. A person's immune system may be compromised if they are catching colds more frequently. It might be brought on by a virus invasion or a deficiency in vitamin C. If there is cause for concern, a quick blood test might reveal it. Additionally, it will demonstrate how to strengthen one's immune system and general wellness.


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