Women health

How to get rid of parasites in your body

A parasite cleanse is any diet, pill, or other detox product that is designed to rid the body of parasites without the use of prescription pharmaceuticals.

Many firms even offer these cleanses to people who have never been diagnosed with a parasite condition by a doctor.

Many natural herbs and chemicals may aid in parasite removal. When a person does not have a parasite, however, they will accomplish very little.

Learn more about parasite cleanses and what the science says about their effectiveness in this article.


As part of a parasite cleanse, a person may eat a more nutritious diet.

Some natural health circles believe that the vast majority of people have parasites and, as a result, require parasite cleanses. This assumption is incorrect.

Malaria and other well-known parasitic illnesses, on the other hand, are a global epidemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source, malaria kills approximately 660,000 people each year. In Sub-Saharan Africa, young children account for the majority of these deaths.

In the United States, many parasitic infections are also conceivable. These parasitic infections are referred to as "neglected parasitic infections" by the CDCTrusted Source, which includes many figures on their prevalence in the United States:

Toxoplasma gondii infections are one of the most frequent parasite illnesses in the world, affecting about 60 million people.

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted parasite that affects around 3.7 million individuals worldwide.

More than 300,000 persons are infected with Trypanosoma cruzi.

Every year, at least 1,000 people come to the hospital with cysticercosis or pig tapeworm.

Toxocara or roundworms have infected at least 14 percent of the population, usually through dogs or cats.

However, certain parasite cleanses and detox product makers may overstate these figures. Many parasites cleanse product manufacturers would go so far as to suggest that everyone should do a parasite cleanse once or twice a year, whether or not they have proof of a parasite.

In truth, the only people who require parasite therapy are those who are infected with parasites. Anyone concerned about a parasite infection should consult a doctor.

Is it true that they work?

Commercial parasite cleanses have received limited research. Many persons who use these products are unlikely to be infected with parasites.

For patients who do have a parasite infection, however, some parasite cleaners may be useful. Wormwood, for example, is a key element in many parasite-removal medicines, and it's high in antioxidants and other beneficial compounds.

In animal experiments, wormwood reduced dwarf tapeworm levels in the same way as a popular antiparasitic treatment, according to a new study published in the Journal of HelminthologyTrusted Source. These findings are encouraging, but the experts propose that further research be done before prescribing wormwood as a treatment.

In a 2018 human trial, wormwood was found to be as effective as standard medical treatment in treating schistosomiasis, a parasitic worm infection that affects people.

In the trial, 800 people with schistosomiasis were given one of two varieties of wormwood tea or the normal medical treatment (praziquantel).

Those who were given wormwood tea cleared the infection faster and had fewer adverse effects than those who were given regular treatment.

Plants have inherent defense chemicals that protect them from illnesses as well as pests and other invaders.

In laboratory tests and other investigations, many plants and herbs contain chemicals that may have an antiparasitic impact.

As a result, parasite cleanse producers say that a variety of plants, including:

  1. Wormwood
  2. Oregano oil
  3. Black walnut
  4. Clove
  5. Diatomaceous earth
  6. Grapefruit seed extract
  7. propolis
  8. Oregon grape
  9. Olive leaf
  10. Barberry

Several natural sources contain antiparasitic properties that are similar to those of traditional parasite treatments. However, determining whether they are helpful can be challenging because many people who use at-home parasite cleanses do not have an underlying infection.

The parasite cleanse diet meal plan

Several tales of people's experiences with parasite cleansing diets and how much better they feel afterward may be found online. People may feel better, but the benefits may be due to the general guidelines of a cleaning or detoxifying diet.

 While on a cleansing diet or program, it is often necessary to consume a supporting diet while using the product. This diet may include consuming natural, unprocessed foods instead of fatty, processed items.

 Most parasite cleansing diets require the individual to avoid certain foods, such as gluten, dairy, and pork. Anti-inflammatory herbs and spices including garlic, turmeric, and ginger may also be included in diets.

Because they are switching to a cleaner and healthier diet, these dietary changes alone may be enough to induce a noticeable alteration in a person's body.

The detox product's contents are typically high in antioxidants, and many of them might easily create a reaction in the digestive system. People frequently confuse these effects with "parasitic die-off."

Following a round of these herbs, some diets recommend taking supplements like prebiotics and probiotics to help the digestive system heal.

Probiotics may also help lower the risk of parasite infections or treat them, according to some studies.

Many parasites cleanse diets can help people feel better by removing processed and oily meals and replacing them with healthy bacteria and antioxidants.

Some cleanse, on the other hand, require a person to eat only one type of food for an extended length of time.

Signs and symptoms of a parasite infection

The following are common parasite infection symptoms:

  1.  Fatigue
  2. Mental fog
  3. Headaches
  4. Bloating
  5. Gas
  6. Stomach pain
  7. Diarrhea
  8. Constipation
  9. Nausea
  10. Vomiting
  11. Skin symptoms and rashes
  12. Having diarrhea
  13. Unsolved weight loss
  14.  Worms in the stool

Many of these symptoms, however, are associated with other digestive health concerns. Anyone who is experiencing these symptoms should get medical advice.

Medical treatment for parasites

To cure a parasite infection, a doctor may prescribe antiparasitic medication.

Parasites can sometimes clean up on their own, especially in people who have a strong immune system.

Doctors would likely prescribe an antiparasitic drug to eliminate the parasite if it creates troubling symptoms or poses a risk of consequences.

Some people prefer natural remedies to rid their bodies of parasites. Certain substances in these items may have the potential to help people get rid of parasites.

The authors of a study published in 2013 Many natural products show potential as antiparasitic treatments, according to Trusted Source. However, there isn't enough evidence to recommend them as remedies just yet.

While specific chemicals may help in laboratory tests, commercial cleansing products have limited evidence of parasite killing.


Even if there are no symptoms, a person can have a parasite infection. There is, however, no evidence that persons who self-diagnose and use parasite cleanse benefit from them if there is no parasite present.

Many cleaning programs entail the participant transitioning to a whole foods diet, consuming supporting herbs, and improving their digestive health.

Many of the favorable outcomes people report when taking parasite cleanses could be caused by switching to a healthier diet in general.

Anyone who is concerned about parasites or the risk of a parasitic infection should seek medical advice.

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