How common is toxoplasmosis in pregnancy
True or False: Cats Should Be Avoided by Pregnant Women
If you've ever wondered if it's true those cats' feces might
cause birth abnormalities, here's the startling answer: yes and no.
Cats, it turns out, discharge a parasite in their feces that
can harm a fetus. However, this parasite can be acquired in a variety of ways
other than through cats. There are many ways to prevent this parasite from
hurting a fetus, so expectant mothers don't have to worry about their babies'
health if they come into contact with cats.
of the Health Claim
Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic infection caused by a specific
parasite that causes only minor symptoms or remains unnoticed in the majority
of humans and animals. After consuming affected small animals such as birds or
rodents, cats spread the parasite through their excrement. While the virus has
no effect on the cats, the parasites they release can be harmful to pregnant
When a pregnant woman cleans the litter box of an infected
cat, she is exposed to the parasite. If the mother touches her lips after
coming into contact with the parasite, she risks becoming infected, putting her
fetus at risk of major difficulties at birth or later in life.
The parasite can cause serious eye infections or even
blindness before or during birth.
Any cat that is allowed outside or is fed raw or undercooked
meat may be infected with the parasite. Any contaminated excrement from
infected cats can endanger a woman's pregnancy.
to the Health Claim
Toxoplasmosis can be transferred by tainted meat as well as
cat feces. By consuming infected raw or undercooked meat, a person is just as
likely, if not more, to get the infection. Even handling the meat and then forgetting
to wash your hands might spread the virus.
Surprisingly, if a woman develops the infection before
becoming pregnant, she becomes immune and will not pass it on to her fetus. If
a woman has been exposed to the parasite, a blood test can prove it.
Most women have a low probability of catching the disease
through their cat. Indoor cats eating professionally prepared cat food, for
example, have a very minimal risk of contracting the disease.
If a woman owns a cat, she does not need to avoid it or give
up her beloved pet. A few easy precautions, including as extra caution when
cleaning the litter box or avoiding it altogether, can help to prevent the
parasite's spread. If you're expecting a child, enlist the help of another
person to clean the litter box. If you must do it yourself, wear disposable
gloves and wash your hands thoroughly afterward.
While some cat excrement might cause serious or even fatal
difficulties in a growing fetus, pregnant women do not need to stay away from
cats entirely. Toxoplasmosis risk is much reduced if you avoid using the litter
Additionally, expecting mothers should exercise caution
while handling raw meat as well as cat feces. If pregnant women eat raw or
undercooked meat or handle raw meat without washing their hands right away,
they are more likely to contract toxoplasmosis.
Fluffy doesn't have to pack her bags when the happy news of impending arrival is announced. Keep her inside, feed her only premade cat
food, and do your best to look after her.
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