Women health

Yellow maize, sorghum, pearl millet, and soybeans are used to make Akamu (Ogi), a delicious fermented cereal.

It's a nutritious cereal that's recommended as a first weaning food for babies as young as six months old.

For toddlers, growing children, the elderly, lactating mothers, and a convalescent, Akamu is a good gluten-free alternative.

Energy, protein, minerals, and vitamins are abundant in this cereal. In addition, it functions as a probiotic, which aids in the relief of diarrhea and stomach upset in children (or adults)

There are two popular akamu preparation methods in Nigeria and other parts of Africa. It's either made into a smooth porridge called pap or cooked until it's solid, which is what eko is (agidi). Spices like ginger, garlic, cloves, and turmeric are also added to improve the flavor. Nigerian Cookbook

Unfortunately, when ogi are processed traditionally, nutrients are lost. To remedy this, high-protein legumes such as soybeans or cowpeas should be added to ogi.

Akamu has 10 health benefits (Ogi)

The following are some of Ogi's potential health benefits:

1. Immune system booster

Akamu (Ogi) is a superfood that contains all of the body's essential nutrients.

It's high in protein, carbohydrate, fats, B-vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5), iron, zinc, and other minerals that your immune system needs to function properly.

2. Healthy teeth and bones

The calcium content of ogi made with pearl millet, sorghum, and soybeans is extremely high.

Calcium is necessary for the formation of bones and teeth. Its absence can cause osteomalacia in adults and rickets in children and infants.

3. Helps to prevent diarrhea

Akamu is a probiotic food that can be consumed by babies, children, and even adults.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help keep your gut in good shape. They can aid in the treatment of diarrhea, stomach upset, and dysentery.

In older children and adults, fermented uncooked ogi can be used to quickly relieve stomach upset.

Note: Babies should only be fed cooked ogi.

4. Amazing Energy Boost

Ogi is a delicious breakfast option. It's simple to make and has enough calories to keep you going throughout the day.

5. Enhances Lactation

Lactating mothers, above all, require food that is high in water and other essential nutrients.

Ogi is high in water and provides all of the essential nutrients in a single serving. It's an effective galactagogue.

6. Helps to prevent anemia

Iron is needed to synthesize red blood cells and prevent iron-deficiency anemia in infants, children, adults, and pregnant women.

Ogi made from fermented sorghum, pearl millet, and a soybean provides one serving's worth of iron.

7. It helps to keep your heart healthy

When made with fermented sorghum and soybeans, akamu is a good source of potassium.

It has no sodium, making it an ideal food for people who suffer from hypertension or other metabolic problems.

8. Helps to prevent obesity

Ogi is a nutritious food option for anyone trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

It keeps you hydrated, gives you a feeling of "fullness," and keeps you from overeating because it contains about 50% water per serving.

9. Promotes regularity in the digestive system

Because it is easily digestible, akamu helps to prevent constipation and other digestive problems.

It's perfect for the elderly and those who are recovering from illness.

10. Helps to increase male fertility

Zinc is a mineral that men require to improve the quality and motility of their sperm.

Akamu (ogi) is a good example of natural food with the high zinc content.

Second, it gives you a boost of energy and helps you recover faster.

How Do You Make Akamu? (Ogi)

The Ingredients: 

  1. You'll need the following ingredients to make 1 kg of Akamu:
  2. 4 cups of guinea corn (sorghum)
  3. 4 cups of pearl millet
  4. 1 cup of maize (corn)
  5. 2 cups of dry soybeans
  6. Ginger, garlic, or cloves to your flavor (non-compulsory)
  7. Water
  8. Big chiffon cloth or cheesecloth
  9. Heavy cotton bag
  10. Bowls


1. Separately wash the grains and soybeans to remove any stones or dirt. Then combine them in a bowl with enough water to completely cover them. Allow 2-3 days for fermentation, but make sure to change the water every day.

2. In a blender or grinder, combine the grains and spices (if used) to make a paste. (Make sure you have enough water.)

3. To begin the sieving process, tie a large bowl with cheesecloth and spoon small amounts of the blended paste on top. Then sieve each batch with your hands and a cup of water until you get chaff. Remove the chaff and repeat the process until the entire mixture has been sieved.

4. Gently until the cheesecloth from the bowl once you've finished sieving the mixture. Allow for sedimentation by covering the bowl for about 5 hours. You should have a clear top and pap sediment on the bottom after 5 hours. Drain the water gently.

5. Fill a clean cotton bag with your pap sediment (wash well to remove salt). To remove excess water, squeeze and tie tightly. Place the pap bag on a flat elevated surface or in your sink (anywhere that water can drain away from it) and weigh it down to help it drain completely. If necessary, leave overnight.

Note: Salt should be avoided. Ogi thickens when it is exposed to salt.

6. Untie your bag once the water has been drained. Congrats!!! Your pap is now ready to store in the freezer for later use.

7. To make Akamu (Ogi) for yourself or your baby, mix some paste with lukewarm water to form a slightly thick paste in a clean bowl. Then gradually pour boiling water into the paste while stirring constantly until it thickens. You can also heat the thickened mixture for about a minute on low heat.

8. Pour in the baby's milk and feed your child. Add milk and sweetener for adults, and serve with fried beans cake (akara) moi-moi or Bambara nut bean (okpa).


Akamu (ogi) is a healthy fermented cereal for you and your family.

To provide your baby with all of the essential nutrients and keep them healthy, fortify your Akamu with a high protein legume such as soybean.

I hope you learned something new about Akamu (Ogi) from this article. Please tell me how you make yours. Do you like it with soybeans or without?


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