What happens when the blood calcium level is too low?
Hypocalcemia, commonly known as calcium deficiency disease, occurs when calcium levels in the blood are too low.
Long-term calcium insufficiency can cause dental problems, cataracts, brain abnormalities, and osteoporosis, which causes bones to become brittle.
A calcium shortage may show no signs or symptoms at first. It is normally minor, but if left untreated, it can turn fatal.
We'll go
through ways to prevent and cure calcium deficient disease in this article. We
also go through the signs and symptoms, as well as who is at risk.
What are the signs and symptoms?
Because calcium is required for so many biological functions, a deficit can have far-reaching consequences, affecting muscles, bones, and teeth, as well as mental health.
There are usually no early signs if the shortage is caused by a low food intake. A person may develop osteopenia, or reduced bone density, in the long run. This can develop to osteoporosis, or brittle bones, if not treated.
However, a calcium deficit is frequently caused by health conditions or treatments, such as kidney failure, stomach removal, or the use of certain medications, such as diuretics.
The sections that follow look at the signs and symptoms of a calf strain.
Muscle problems
A person with a calcium shortage may have the following symptoms:
Pains, cramps, and spasms in the muscles
Walking or moving causes pain in the thighs and arms.
Hands, arms, feet, and legs, as well as the area around the mouth, are numb and tingling which can also lead:
- Convulsions
- Arrhythmia
- Death
- Extreme exhaustion
Low calcium levels can lead to significant exhaustion, which includes a lack of energy and a general sense of drowsiness. It can also cause sleep deprivation.
Lightheartedness, dizziness, and brain fog — characterized by a loss of attention, forgetfulness, and disorientation – are all symptoms of calcium deficiency.
Symptoms of the nails and skin
A long-term calcium shortage can lead to:
- Skin that is parched
- Nails those are dry, cracked, or brittle
- Hair that is coarse
- Alopecia is a condition in which hair falls off in spots.
Osteopenia and osteoporosis
The bones store calcium efficiently, but they need a lot of it to keep healthy. When calcium levels are low, the body may redirect part of it away from the bones, making them brittle and vulnerable to harm.
Too little calcium can lead to osteopenia, or a loss of mineral density in the bones, over time.
This can lead to osteoporosis, a condition in which the bones shrink and become more susceptible to fractures, as well as pain and posture issues.
It can take years for osteoporosis and other calcium deficient issues to manifest.
Psoriasis is a type of eczema that causes itchy, dry spots on the skin.ient fatigue.
Serious PMS
Severe premenstrual syndrome has been linked to low calcium levels (PMS).
After taking 500 milligrams (mg) of calcium daily for two months, participants in a 2017 study reported improved mood and lower rates of fluid retention.
Researchers determined in 2019Trusted Source that low levels of vitamin D and calcium during the second half of the menstrual cycle may contribute to PMS symptoms. Supplements, according to the researchers, could help alleviate the symptoms.
Dental problem
When the body is low on calcium, it draws it from places like the teeth. This can result in a variety of dental issues, including:
- Decay of the teeth
- Teeth that are brittle
- Gums that are inflamed
- Tooth roots that are weak
In addition, an infant's teeth development can be hampered by a calcium shortage.
Some proof
Calcium deficiency, according to Trusted Source, may be connected to mood disorders, including depression, though further research is needed to establish this.
Anyone who feels that a calcium deficit is causing depression symptoms should see a doctor. The doctor may prescribe a calcium supplement after checking the person's calcium levels.
When should you see a doctor?
Anyone who is suffering the signs and symptoms of a calcium deficiency should see a doctor. They can run tests and examine calcium levels in the blood.
Hypoglycemia, or a calcium deficit, is defined as blood calcium values below 8.8 milligrams per deciliter, according to doctors.
Calcium intake for adults aged 19–50 years is 1,000 milligrams per day.
Is calcium deficiency a prevalent problem?
While health professionals have yet to determine the actual prevalence of this deficit, certain people are at a larger risk than others.
Source you can trust:
Postmenopausal women and men
People who suffer from amenorrhea (the lack of menstruation) people who suffer from lactose intolerance people who eat a vegetarian or vegan diet
Older persons, on the other hand, require more calcium: females over 51 and males over 71 should consume 1,200 mg per day.
Females older than 4 years, especially teenage females, and males aged 9–18 years or older than 51 years in the United States may also be at a higher risk of a deficit.
According to 2015 estimates, 3.5 billion individuals worldwide are at danger of calcium deficiency due to a lack of calcium in their diet.
Meanwhile, experts in the United Kingdom found in 2013 Source that calcium deficiency is still prevalent among persons with chronic conditions.
Three years later, researchers in Pakistan found that 41 percent of 252 female volunteers aged 18–51 had calcium and vitamin D deficits, and 78 percent had symptoms consistent with these deficiencies, such as back, leg, and joint discomfort.
Females, on average, are less likely than males to obtain enough calcium from their diets. Many women are unaware that their levels are low.
Calcium insufficiency has been linked to the following conditions:
- Dental issues
- Depression
- Numerous skin problems
- Chronic muscular and joint discomfort
- Fractures
- Seizures
- Disability from a Reliable Source
These symptoms may come and go, but they rarely go away with physical activity.
Excessive sensations could suggest a more serious deficit.
Treatment and prevention are both important.
Adding additional calcium to the diet is the safest and easiest strategy to treat or prevent a calcium insufficiency.
The following foods are high in calcium:
- Milk, cheese, and yogurt are examples of dairy products.
- Beans
- Figs
- Broccoli
- Tofu
- Milk made from soy
- Spinach
- Cereals with added nutrients
Almonds and sesame seeds are among the nuts and seeds available.
Calcium injections may be prescribed by a doctor if a deficiency is severe or when supplements and dietary changes aren't working.
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