Women health

 Do you have suicidal thoughts?

Your pain may seem overpowering and everlasting if you're considering suicide. There are, however, strategies to cope with suicidal thoughts and impulses while still overcoming the agony.

If you're having suicidal thoughts, seek help immediately.

You're not alone, no matter how much pain you're in right now. Many of us have contemplated suicide at some point in our lives. Suicidal ideation is not a character flaw, and it does not imply that you are insane, weak, or flawed. It simply indicates you're in more pain than you can handle right now. However, with time and assistance, you will be able to conquer your problems, and the anguish and suicidal thoughts will fade away.

Some of the best, most admired, needed, and talented individuals have been in your shoes. When we've felt overwhelmed by depression and hopelessness, many of us have considered ending our lives. Depression, on the other hand, maybe cured and hope can be rekindled.

There are people who need you, locations where you can make a difference, and events that can remind you that life is worth living, no matter what your circumstance is. It takes a lot of guts to face death and take a step back from the cliff's edge. That courage can be used to face life, discover coping techniques for overcoming depression and find the strength to keep going. Remember:

  1. Your emotions aren't static; they're always shifting. It's possible that how you feel today differs from how you felt yesterday, or how you'll feel tomorrow or next week.
  2. Friends and family members would experience loss and anguish as a result of your absence.
  3. You still have a lot of things you can accomplish in your life.
  4. There are sights, sounds, and sensations in life that can pleasure and lift you—and that you would miss if you didn't have them.
  5. Your ability to experience enjoyable and distressing emotions is equal.

What makes me feel suicidal?

Suicide thoughts might be triggered by a variety of emotional pains. Each of us has our own set of reasons for suffering, and our ability to cope with it varies from person to person. We are all unique individuals. However, there are several common factors that might lead to suicidal thoughts and feelings.

Why does suicide seem to be the only option?

If you can't think of any other options besides suicide, it's not because they don't exist; it's just that you can't see them right now. The extreme emotional suffering you're going through right now may cause your thinking to become distorted, making it difficult to perceive possible solutions to problems—or to connect with individuals who can help.

Therapists, counselors, friends, or loved ones might assist you in seeing alternatives that you might not have seen otherwise. Please give them the opportunity to assist.

The majority of suicide crises are only transitory.

Although it may appear that your suffering and dissatisfaction will never stop, it is crucial to remember that crises are usually only brief. Solutions are frequently found, feelings shift, and unexpectedly happy situations occur. Keep in mind that suicide is a long-term solution to a short-term problem. Allow yourself enough time for things to change and the pain to fade.

Even the most hopeless problems can be solved

Depression, schizophrenia and bipolar illness are all treatable with a combination of lifestyle modifications, treatment, and medication. The majority of persons who seek assistance are able to better their position and recover.

Even if you've previously received therapy for an illness or attempted to fix your difficulties, keep in mind that it's common to need to try a variety of ways before discovering the ideal solution or combination of solutions. When it comes to medication, for example, getting the proper dosage sometimes necessitates a continuous process of tweaking. Don't give up until you've found the right option for yourself. Almost any issue may be handled or resolved.

Take these steps right now

Please follow these five steps if you're suicidal right now:

Step 1: Make a promise to yourself that you will not do anything at this time.

Allow some distance between your thoughts and actions, even if you're in a lot of pain right now. Make a commitment to yourself: “I will wait 24 hours and will not do anything radical during that time,” or “I will wait a week.”

Suicidal ideas do not have to become a reality; they do not have to become a reality. There is no time limit, and no one is pressuring you to act on these ideas right away. Wait. Allow some time to pass between your suicidal thoughts and your suicidal action.

Step 2: Stay away from drugs and alcohol.

Suicidal thoughts can intensify if you've consumed drugs or alcohol. When you're feeling despondent or contemplating suicide, it's critical not to take nonprescription medicines or alcohol.

Step 3: Ensure that your home is secure.

Take away any items that could do you harm, such as pills, knives, razors, or firearms. If you are unable to do so, seek refuge in a safe environment. Give your medicines to someone who can return them to you one day at a time when you need them if you're thinking about taking an overdose.

Step 4: Don't suppress your suicidal thoughts.

Many of us have discovered that sharing suicidal thoughts and feelings with someone we trust is the first step toward coping. At the end of a helpline, it might be a family member, friend, therapist, clergy member, teacher, family doctor, coach, or an experienced counselor.

Find someone you can confide in and tell them how horrible things are. Allowing fear, shame, or embarrassment to keep you from seeking help is a mistake. Also, if the first person you contact doesn't seem to get it, try another. Simply talking about how you came to this position in your life will relieve a lot of the stress and assist you in finding a way to deal.

Step 5: Have faith that you can get through this.

Even those who are feeling as horrible as you right now manage to get through it? Don't lose hope. Regardless of how much self-loathing, hopelessness, or loneliness you are now experiencing, you are quite likely to have these sentiments. Give yourself the time you need and don't try to do it on your own.

Requesting assistance

There are many individuals who wish to assist you through this difficult time, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. Make contact with someone. Do it right now. If you promised yourself 24 hours or a week in step #1, make use of that time to tell someone what's up. Find someone who will simply listen and be there for you, not someone who will try to fight with you about how you feel, condemn you, or tell you to "snap out of it."

It makes no difference who it is, as long as you can trust them and know they will listen with compassion and acceptance.

How do you tell someone you're having suicide thoughts?

Even when you've decided who you can confide in, telling someone about your suicide thoughts can be challenging.

Tell the person what you're thinking to yourself. Explain your suicide strategy to them if you have one.

Phrases like 'I can't take it any longer or 'I'm done' are ambiguous and fail to convey the gravity of the situation. Tell someone you trust that you're considering suicide.

If talking about it is too tough for you, consider writing it down and giving a message to someone you trust. Alternatively, send them an email or text message and sit with them as they read it.

What if you don't think you're being heard?

Tell someone another or call a suicide crisis hotline if the initial person you reached out to doesn't seem to understand. Don't allow a bad experience to deter you from seeking assistance.

Suicidal ideation: What to Do

  1. Keep in mind that, while suicidal thoughts and sensations may appear to be unending, they are never permanent. You WILL recover your sense of well-being. Meanwhile, there are a few things you may do to cope with your suicidal thoughts and feelings.
  2. Every day, talk to someone, ideally face to face.
  3. Spend at At least 30 minutes each day in the sun or in nature.
  4. Exercise as hard as you can while staying safe. Aim for 30 minutes of exercise per day to reap the best benefits. You can, however, start small. Three 10-minute spurts of movement have been shown to improve mood.
  5. Make time for the things that give you pleasure. Force yourself to do the things you used to enjoy, even if you don't feel like it right now.
  6. Keep in mind your personal objectives. You may have always desired to visit a specific location, read a specific book, own a pet, relocate, learn a new hobby, volunteer, return to school, or establish a family. Make a list of your personal objectives.
  7. Ask trusted friends and acquaintances to spend time with you, even if you feel like withdrawing. Alternatively, you might continue to phone a crisis hotline and express your concerns.

Things to keep away from:

Being on your own

Suicidal thoughts might be exacerbated by solitude. Pay a visit to a friend or family member, or call a 24-hour crisis hotline.

Drunkenness and drug use

Drugs and alcohol can make you depressed, impair your problem-solving skills, and cause you to act rashly.

Making yourself feel worse by doing things that make you feel worse

Listening to depressing music, viewing specific images, reading old letters, or visiting an A loved one's grave can all heighten unpleasant emotions.

Suicide and other terrible things come to mind.

Avoid becoming fixated with suicidal ideas, as this can amplify them. Negative thoughts should not be pondered or rethought. Find a way to divert your attention. Even if it's only for a short period, taking a break from suicidal thoughts can be beneficial.

Make a safety strategy

Make a list of steps, you can follow in the event of a suicide crisis. It should contain the phone numbers of your doctor or therapist, as well as friends and family members who can assist you in an emergency.

Suicide-related thoughts recovery

Get treatment for yourself, even if your suicidal thoughts and feelings have faded. Experiencing that kind of emotional anguish is a traumatic event in and of itself. Finding a support group or therapist can help you reduce the likelihood of feeling suicidal again in the future.

Your doctor or one of the crisis lines provided below can provide you with assistance and recommendations.

Every day, make a written timetable: for yourself and stick to it no matter what happens.

5 Recovering Steps

Identify triggers or situations that make you feel hopeless or make you think about suicide, such as a loss anniversary, alcohol, or relationship stress. Find a means to stay away from these locations, persons, or situations.

Make sure you look after yourself. Eat well, don't skip meals, and get enough rest. Exercise is also important because it releases endorphins, reduces stress, and improves emotional health.

Create a network of people who can help you. Surround yourself with individuals who are great influences and help you feel good about yourself. The more you care about other people and your community, the more you have to lose—which will keep you motivated and on track to recovery.

Even though your sentiments seem out of control, try to stick to a normal pattern as much as possible.

Develop new hobbies and activities. Find new hobbies, volunteer activities, or job that fulfills you. You will feel better about yourself and emotions of sadness will be less likely to resurface if you are doing things that you enjoy.

Learn how to handle stress in a healthy manner. Exercising, meditating, using sensory tactics to relax, doing simple breathing exercises, and questioning self-defeating ideas are all good ways to keep your stress levels in check.

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