Women health


 Have you been vegan for some time but haven't lost any weight? If you're having trouble losing weight as a vegan, keep reading to find out why!

8 Weight-Loss Tips You Should Know

Isn't it true that all vegans lose weight?

Table of Contents:             

On a vegan diet, here are eight recommendations to help you lose weight

1. Avoid eating vegan substitutes that have been processed.

2. Get rid of the oils

*why should Do you avoid using oils?

*How to Get Rid of Oils

3. Don't overlook the importance of portion sizes.

4. Plan out your week's meals.

*How should you schedule your meals?

5. Drink plenty of water

6. Read the food labels

7. Cut out processed sugar from your diet

8. Double-check if you're receiving adequate protein.


Many individuals believe that losing weight on a vegan diet is simple. They believe that turning vegan will cause them to lose weight regardless of what they consume, as long as no animal products are present. This is a rather common misunderstanding.

This myth that "veganism equals weight loss" is false, as many people discover when they go vegan. In reality, if you are not following a healthy vegan diet, it is quite easy to gain weight. Vegans can eat a variety of processed foods such as chips, cookies, cakes, "cheese," and so on. Everything has a vegan alternative!

This is excellent for the animals and the environment (and cheat days! ), but if you want to lose weight on a vegan diet, you must consume the RIGHT foods the majority of the time.


If you're having trouble losing weight on a vegan diet, have a look at these suggestions!


Beyond Burgers, vegan butter, vegan cheese... So tasty, but so unhealthy! Treat yourself now and again, but consuming this type of food on a daily basis will make weight loss much more difficult.

There are numerous healthy vegan cheese recipes on the internet that would be a perfect substitute for store-bought processed cheese. There are also plenty of delectable vegan burger recipes to be found!

Make sure you have healthy food available at all times so you don't reach for anything quick and processed when you're hungry!

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Why should you get rid of oils?

There has been a lot of discussion about the health effects of oils. Some study suggests that particular oils are good additions to your diet, while other research suggests that all oil use is harmful to your health. This can be really perplexing, so if you're on the fence about whether or not to drink oil, I strongly advise you to conduct as much research as possible and make your own decision.

After doing some research, I decided to stop using oils because I believe they provide no health benefits and potentially harm my body. Oil is just fat that has been taken from entire foods and is high in calories. A tablespoon of oil has roughly 120 calories in it that your body doesn't require! It's basically a waste of calories, and eating more calories means gaining more weight.

Eating an olive rather than simply the fat that has been drained out of it is far healthier. You'll get more nutritional value from the entire olive. Coconut oil is the same way. Coconut oil has recently received a lot of attention as a health food, but according to Harvard research, trials have discovered that it elevates unhealthy LDL cholesterol levels. It's just as bad as any other type of oil.


I've discovered that oil isn't necessary for many recipes because it's merely used to help with cooking. When sautéing on the stove, you can substitute vegetable broth or water. If the flavor matches what you're preparing, you can even use soy sauce or tamari.

However, in baking recipes, eliminating oil can radically alter the texture, potentially ruining the recipe. Applesauce or mashed bananas, or even a liquid sweetener, can be used in its place. Looking for oil-free vegan baking recipes is your best bet. They do exist, and they are delectable! These oil-free peanut butter cookies are a must-try.


I've heard a  lot of people suggest that portion control isn't important on a whole-foods plant-based diet. Some argue that you can eat as much of the good stuff as you want and still lose weight on a vegan diet as long as you avoid any processed foods.

I'm sorry, but I disagree.

You won't lose weight if you eat a pot of potatoes every day or eat a lot of peanut butter on a regular basis. Potatoes are good for you, rice is good for you, all-natural peanut butter is good for you, and avocados are good for you. You get my drift. However, if you eat these foods in excess on a regular basis, you will find it difficult to lose weight.

If you like, add one tablespoon of peanut butter to your oatmeal, but don't consume a couple spoonfuls straight from the jar. If you're serious about losing weight, I'd suggest only eating half an avocado at a time. Avocados are delicious, but they can contain up to 300 calories depending on their size.

Consume as many green vegetables as you want and as much fruit as you want, but there are some healthful whole foods that you shouldn't eat in excess. So, if you're eating all the proper foods but still can't seem to lose weight, check your portion sizes!

You can also try limiting beneficial fats, but don't completely eliminate them! Because everyone's body is different, there is no set amount of food that you should consume.

If you've tried everything else on this list and is still having trouble losing weight, you may need to experiment with your portions.


Many individuals know what they should eat to lose weight on a vegan diet, but they struggle to actually do it and stick to it. I understand that there are times when I feel extremely lazy and am not in the mood to prepare a healthy dinner.

This is where meal preparation comes into play. Meal planning and prepping can help you keep on track if you have trouble staying on track.


I recommend looking for healthy vegan meals online or in a recipe book and choosing a couple to consume during the week. Check the portion sizes and alter the ingredient amounts as needed to ensure you have enough food to last the entire week.

It may be advantageous for you to select meals that share some of the same ingredients so that you do not have to purchase as many goods or waste the ones you do purchase. If a recipe calls for half an onion, for example, pick another dish that calls for half an onion so that you can use the entire onion.

Make all of your recipes on the same day and put them in containers in the fridge once you have all of your ingredients for the week. Then you'll have a ready-to-eat vegan breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day!

You'll be far less likely to go for anything unhealthy at mealtime as a result of this.

If you're having trouble sticking to a healthy plant-based diet, check out the Vegan Starter Kit produced by Lars and Alena of nutriciously.com. They've put up a very detailed e-book. It comes with a 14-day meal plan and grocery list, as well as plenty of information on the health benefits of a plant-based diet.

This guide will lead you through everything you need to get started if you don't know where to begin and are feeling overwhelmed.


We all know how beneficial water is to our health, so make sure you're getting enough of it (approximately 8 cups per day).

Pure fruit juice can also be healthy in little amounts, but if you're trying to lose weight, you shouldn't be wasting calories on what you drink! Even if your juice is prepared entirely of 100% pure fruit, you may be adding a lot of calories to your diet that you don't need.

Except for water, this rule applies to all beverages. For example, I enjoy kombucha and believe it has health advantages, but if you drink it every day, you'll need to cut back on the calories you consume. It's much easier to simply drink water.

Those who consider smoothies to be drinks should reconsider. Smoothies are delicious, but depending on the content and quantity, they should be consumed as a meal or a snack. Don't think of it as a simple drink.


Remember that just because something is labeled as "vegan" doesn't imply it's healthy. Pay attention to the ingredient list and the number of calories per serving. Don't be deceived by serving sizes that are too small to make the calories appear lower.

Also, ensure sure there are no oils or extra sugar in the components. You can discover more about other names for sugar here. Sugar is frequently hidden on ingredient lists under a different term that you may not realize is sugar.

You've undoubtedly heard it before, but I'll say it again: If you can't pronounce it and/or have never heard of it, it's generally not something you should eat. Not at all, especially if you're trying to reduce weight!

Mary's Gone Crackers are a delicious snack that adheres to a plant-based, whole-food diet! These crackers are available on Amazon.


This one goes hand in hand with reading labels, but don't add refined sugar to anything you produce at home.

Here are some vegans sweetening options for your recipes:

1.     Maple syrup that is 100 percent pure

2.   Timetables (you can make your own date paste as well)

3.   Molasses made from blackstrap molasses

4.   Fruit mashed (such as bananas and applesauce)


When I hear people suggest that you can't get enough protein on a vegan diet, it irritates me since you absolutely can. The issue is that many people don't know how to get protein when they go to a vegan diet because they were accustomed to getting it primarily from meat.

Veganism does not imply solely consuming fruits and vegetables, as this will leave you hungry and seeking junk food. This is why getting adequate protein is critical. Protein will also aid in the maintenance of muscle mass and metabolism.

Protein can be found in abundance in legumes. You should aim to incorporate them into your diet on a daily basis. For vegans, here is a list of some wonderful, healthy protein sources:

1.     Chickpeas

2.   Pinto beans

3.   Kidney beans

4.   Lentils

5.    Organic tofu

6.   Black beans

7.    Green peas

There are many more protein-rich vegan foods than those listed here, but these are some basic staples to include in your diet on a regular basis.

I hope that following these suggestions will aid you in your healthy weight loss quest

Vegan Baking Made Easy: A Completely Vegan Baking Guide with over (100) Lovely Healthy Recipes using Muffins, Breads, Cakes, & Cookies

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