Women health

While controversial, the “alkaline diet,” or eating alkaline foods for maximum health, remains popular in celebrity circles, with proponents claiming that it can reduce your risk of cancer and other health problems by lowering the acidity in your blood.

While there isn't much scientific proof to back up the alkaline diet's promises (more on that later), integrating these fresh, healthy, alkaline foods into your regular diet won't hurt either.

We've listed the top 10 alkaline foods to eat every day, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of an alkaline diet, so you can determine if it's appropriate for you.


Broccoli is a nutritious and delicious supplement to any healthy diet. It aids in the rise of alkaline levels in the body. Just keep in mind that cooking broccoli reduces the health advantages and nutritional worth significantly.


Asparagus is a low-calorie, low-sodium vegetable that goes well with any meal or snack. Although not everyone enjoys asparagus, there are numerous health benefits to include in your diet.


Carrots are high in Vitamin A as well as dietary fiber. Carrots can be eaten in a variety of ways, and they make a delightful snack.


Bananas are a favorite of many people. These yellow fan favorites are high in vitamin B and nutritional fiber and make a fantastic on-the-go snack.


Potatoes are a staple diet for many people since they are low in acid and high in vitamins and minerals.


Apricots are a tasty fruit that goes well with an alkaline diet. They're high in fiber, which is beneficial no matter what kind of diet you're on.


Spinach is high in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, as well as a variety of other vitamins and minerals. Cooked spinach is delicious in a mixed salad, a smoothie, or a sandwich.


Raisins are high in antioxidants and can help you curb your sugar cravings. Raisins may even help decrease blood pressure, according to a study published by the American College of Cardiology.


Cherries are a tasty and addictive fruit that are high in antioxidants, fiber, Vitamin C, and other nutrients, making them ideal for an alkaline diet.


Look no farther than watermelon for a fruit that is strong in Vitamin C. It works well with an alkaline diet and can help you stay hydrated throughout the hot summer months.

Diets High in Alkaline: The Question

The alkaline diet, which is popular among celebrities such as Kate Hudson and Jennifer Aniston, argues that ailments are caused by acidity in the blood and that balancing our pH levels is the key to good health. Of course, this sparked a flurry of high-alkaline diets and cleanses based on the principle of eliminating acidic foods and replacing them with alkaline ones.

The goal of an alkaline diet is to raise the amount of alkaline in your blood while lowering your acid levels. The typical pH range for your blood is 7.35 to 7.45, and alkaline diets try to raise that level above that. The problem is that your body has natural processes for maintaining a constant pH, so even if you manage to raise it, the effect will only be temporary. Your body, in general, has a pretty clear idea of what it needs to do to keep you healthy, and any attempts to break that balance will be met with resistance.

Unfortunately, the notion underlying his now-famous diet is based on very little scientific proof. While different meals have different pH values, consuming them (or avoiding particular types) has no impact on body chemistry.

“We have extraordinarily complex machinery to keep the pH levels where they should be throughout the body, and there isn't much you can do, eat, or drink to keep changing that,” Evan Dellon, MD, a gastroenterologist and adjunct professor of medicine at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine told Health.

Fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are among the diet's suggested foods, as they are proven health foods that are high in fiber and nutrition. The diet also recommends avoiding “high-acid” items such as meat, dairy, refined sugar, and anything processed, otherwise known as junk food.

While the alkaline diet's idea concerning pH levels and health is untrue, cutting out sugar and processed foods while increasing your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables would undoubtedly improve your health.

What's the bottom line? It's all about finding the right balance.

An alkaline diet aims to eliminate items with high acid content. While there may be advantages to doing so, you should be aware of the risks associated with eliminating entire food groups. If you don't take care to receive all of the vitamins and minerals you need, you could be missing out on many of the nutrients your body need, which are found in meals with greater acid content.

Fats and oils, dairy, and beans and legumes are just a few of the items you'll be avoiding on an alkaline diet. You'll need to make sure you're receiving enough vitamin D, calcium, fiber, protein, and phytonutrients if you follow an alkaline diet. It is possible to obtain those nutrients while adhering to an alkaline diet; however, it will necessitate additional effort on your part.

Finally, it is up to you to conduct a study and make healthy, well-informed diet and body decisions. Every diet has opposing viewpoints, and only you can choose the one that is best for you.



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