Women health


If you've ever had heartburn, you're familiar with the sensation: a tiny hiccup followed by a burning sensation in your chest and neck.

It could be triggered by certain foods, especially spicy, fatty, or acidic foods.

Perhaps you suffer from gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD), a chronic ailment that has a variety of reasons.

Heartburn is unpleasant and inconvenient regardless of the reason. What can you do if you have heartburn?

We'll go through some quick remedies for heartburn, such as:

·       Putting on loose clothes

·       Straightening your back

·       Bringing your upper body up    

·       Baking soda and water mixture

·       Trying a ginger                

·       Adding with licorice

·       Apple cider vinegar drinking

·       Gum chewing can help dilute acid.

·       Avoiding the inhalation of cigarette smoke    

·       Attempting to treat with over-the-counter drugs

Putting on loose clothes

When the contents of your stomach move up into your esophagus, stomach acids can burn the tissue, causing heartburn.

In some circumstances, you may be experiencing heartburn as a result of tight clothing crushing your stomach.

If this is the case, the first thing you should do is relax your belt — or your jeans, dress, or whatever else is keeping you from moving freely.

Straightening your back

Heartburn can also be caused by poor posture. Try standing up if you're seated or lying down. Try raising up straighter if you're already standing.

The lower esophageal sphincter is less irritated by an upright posture (LES). The lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is a muscular ring that helps prevent stomach acid from rising into your esophagus.

Bringing your upper body up     

Lying down might aggravate heartburn. When it's time to go to bed, lift your upper body by adjusting your sleeping surface.

According to the Mayo Clinic, extra pillows aren't always enough to lift your head. The idea instead is to raise your body from the waist up.

Set your adjustable bed at a comfortable angle to provide relief. If the bed isn't adjustable, a wedge pillow can help you vary the angle of your resting surface.

Baking soda and water mixture

You may already have a heartburn cure in your kitchen without realizing it. Baking soda can help relieve certain heartburn symptoms by neutralizing stomach acid.

To do so, mix a teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water and gently drink it. When you have heartburn, you should actually drink everything slowly.

Trying a ginger   

For generations, ginger has been used as a folk cure for heartburn. Ginger can assist with nausea, so some people think it's worth a go for heartburn as well.

Consider incorporating grated or chopped ginger root into your favorite stir-fry, soup, and other dishes. Steep fresh ginger root dried ginger root, or ginger tea bags in hot water to produce ginger tea.

Ginger ale, on the other hand, is definitely best avoided. Carbonated beverages are a typical cause of heartburn, and most ginger ale brands use artificial flavoring instead of the real thing.

Adding with licorice

 Heartburn can also be treated using licorice root, which is a traditional folk treatment. It's thought to help increase the mucus layer on your esophageal lining, which could protect your esophagus from stomach acid damage.

DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) is a supplement that comprises licorice that has been treated to eliminate much of the component glycyrrhizin, which can have negative side effects.

Consuming too much licorice or DGL can cause blood pressure to rise, potassium levels to drop, and drug interactions to occur. Before taking licorice or DGL supplements, always see your doctor.

Apple cider vinegar drinking

Some people use apple cider vinegar as a home cure for heartburn, claiming that it can neutralize stomach acid.

Some people may benefit from drinking diluted apple cider vinegar after a meal, according to one researcher. However, because these impacts did not achieve statistical significance, more research is required.

If you want to give this remedy a try, dilute the apple cider vinegar with water and drink it after your meal.

Gum chewing can help dilute acid 

According to a 2014 study According to a reliable source, chewing gum for half an hour after meals can also aid with heartburn relief.

Gum chewing increases saliva production and aids with swallowing. This may aid in the diluting and clearing of stomach acid from the esophagus.

Avoiding the inhalation of cigarette smoke:

You're probably aware that smoking is harmful to your health. However, did you know that smoking might cause heartburn? If you're a smoker, don't start up if you're experiencing heartburn.

Smoking may be a go-to coping tactic when you're feeling down, but it won't help the burning sensation go away.

Attempting to treat with over-the-counter drugs

There are numerous over-the-counter (OTC) heartburn treatments to choose from.

 There are three types of medicines

·       Antacids

·       H2 obstructers

·       Inhibition of the proton pump (PPIs)

PPIs and H2 blockers lower the amount of acid produced by your stomach, which can help prevent and relieve heartburn symptoms. The acid in the stomach is neutralized by antacids.

General view

When heartburn strikes, there are a variety of over-the-counter medications, home remedies, and lifestyle changes that can help.

Changing your every day habits can also help you avoid acquiring heartburn symptoms in the first place. For instance, consider the following:

·       Avoid foods that cause heartburn, such as fatty and spicy foods.

·       Eat at least three hours prior to going to bed.

·       After eating, avoid lying down.

·       keep a healthy body weight

Consult your doctor if you have heartburn more than twice or three times a week. They may recommend drugs or other therapies in some circumstances.









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