Women health

How to Get Rid of Itching

Itchy skin, often known as pruritus, can be aggravating and annoying. Fortunately, there are a variety of natural and home remedies that can help.

People who have itchy skin on a regular basis, according to the National Eczema Association (NEA), may have trouble sleeping and become depressed or anxious. They may scrape their skin, resulting in tiny tears that are susceptible to infection.

Insect bites, allergies, stress, and skin diseases including eczema and psoriasis are all common causes of itchy skin.

This article discusses some of the most effective natural and at-home itching cures.

Menthol application

Menthol is an essential oil found in the mint family of plants. It has a cooling effect and might aid with pain and itching relief. According to a 2012 study Peppermint oil, which includes menthol, was studied to see if it might effectively cure itchy skin in pregnant women.

The individuals were separated into two groups by the researchers. One group was given a bottle of sesame oil infused with peppermint oil at a dosage of 0.5 percent. The other group was given a bottle containing a sesame and olive oil blend.

For two weeks, participants applied the oils to irritated skin twice a day. When compared to those who used the alternative product, those who used the peppermint-infused oil reported a significant reduction in itch severity.

Before applying essential oils to the skin, always dilute them in a carrier oil.

Itching relief

Applying a cool, wet towel or ice pack to the affected area for 5–10 minutes, according to the American Academy of Dermatology is a useful technique to soothe itchily skin.

Cooling helps to relieve inflammation, which could be causing the itch. Keeping moisturizing creams and lotions in the refrigerator is another option. When a person applies them to their skin, they will have an immediate cooling impact.

Wrapping yourself in a wet towel     

Wet wrap therapy (WWT) involves wrapping itchy skin in water-soaked fabric wraps composed of gauze or surgical netting.

These wraps moisturize and soothe the skin while also acting as a physical barrier to keep it from scratching. Children may benefit from this treatment in particular.

WWT may also aid in the absorption of drugs such as topical steroids by the skin. Apply drugs to the region before putting the wraps, and then apply a thick amount of moisturizer on top.

The following are the steps that the NEA recommends for putting wet wraps:

 should be worn for several hours or overnight.

A strong flare-up of itching can be controlled with WWT for a few days. If the itching persists, consult a doctor or dermatologist about continuing the treatment or attempting a different treatment.

Colloidal oatmeal

Colloidal oatmeal is oatmeal that has been finely powdered and can be dissolved in water. The resultant solution produces a protective barrier on the skin's surface, helping to keep moisture in. Dryness and irritation can be relieved with colloidal oatmeal.

Colloidal oatmeal is also recognized for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which aid to soothe irritated skin.

Colloidal oatmeal reduced scaling, dryness, roughness, and itching severity in healthy females with mild to moderate itching, according to a short study published in 2015Trusted Source.

Colloidal oats can be found in a variety of creams and lotions. Alternatively, the finely the powdered powder can be added straight to bathwater.

Vinegar made from apple cider

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which has been used as a natural wound cleanser and antibacterial for thousands of years.

Apple cider vinegar, according to the National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF), may be very effective in treating itchy scalps.

The National Park Service recommends diluting vinegar in water at a one-to-one ratio. Apply the solution to your scalp and leave it to dry before gently washing with lukewarm water.

On open wounds, vinegar can cause a burning sensation. This treatment should be avoided by people who have cracked or bleeding skin.


Moisturizers, such as creams and lotions, can aid in hydrating the skin's outer layer. They are frequently required for the treatment of itchy and dry skin problems.

Humectants and emollients are found in a good moisturizer. Emollients build a protective coating over the skin's surface that helps seal in moisture, while humectants suck water into the skin

Moisturizers should be used as soon as possible after a bath or shower, while the skin is still damp.

The following are some suggestions from the NEA for building a proper moisturizing routine:

Use a moisturizer that contains a lot of oil      

Hands should be moisturized whenever they come into contact with water.

Before going to bed, moisturize your skin to keep it hydrated all night.

Soda (baking)

Baking soda has antifungal characteristics, and studies show that it can be used to treat a variety of fungal skin problems, many of which cause itching.

A quarter cup of baking soda, according to the NEA, should be added to a warm bath. Another approach is to make a paste out of baking soda and a little water, which may be applied directly to itchy regions.

Keeping irritants at distant

People should avoid probable irritants, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, because they can aggravate itching. Among the potential irritants are:

Water that is hot

Hot water bathing and showering dehydrate the skin, making it more prone to dryness, redness, and irritation. Even a few degrees of water temperature reduction can assist.

Changes in temperature and humidity

Temperature and humidity fluctuations can dry out the skin, causing peeling and irritation.

During the dry summer months, a humidifier can assist in maintaining indoor humidity. In the winter, it can also assist to combat the drying effects of central heating.

Skincare items with a scent

Some skincare products contain ingredients that might irritate the skin, such as perfumes and artificial colors.

Use fragrance-free and dye-free skincare products if you have itchy or sensitive skin.

Wool and man-made fibers   

Clothing composed of wool or synthetic fibers can cause discomfort and irritation when worn on the skin. Some persons have a higher level of sensitivity than others.

When feasible, people with itching skin should wear loose-fitting cotton garments. Cotton keeps the skin cool by allowing it to breathe.


Itching might be triggered by psychological stress, according to studies.

Source you can trust. Specific stress-reduction strategies, such as yoga and mindfulness meditation, may aid people who feel greater itching when they are stressed.

When should you see a doctor?

Many cases of itching can be treated at home with a good washing and moisturizing routine.

However, if you have any of the following symptoms, you should see a doctor:

  • Itching that lasts longer than two weeks or comes back on a regular basis
  • irritation that is accompanied by a rash, lumps, or swelling that is unusual
  • Inflammation or weeping sores are indicators of infection.
  • itching that spreads throughout the body

The symptoms listed above may suggest an underlying health problem that necessitates medical care.

A doctor may be able to provide topical creams and medications to help reduce itching.



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